ronrosa once bubbled...
Aldora advantages include:
- input on dive site selections
- north reefs, south reefs, in between, where ever you want
- dive until your tank is at 500 psi or to NDL limits
- separate boats for separate ability divers
- maximum of 6 divers per boat
- high capacity tanks
- 2 hour surface intervals at a beach club
- input on dive site selections
Not exclusive to Aldora, a common practice of many DO's on Cozumel.
- north reefs, south reefs, in between, where ever you want
Not exclusive to Aldora, a common practice of many DO's on Cozumel.
- dive until your tank is at 500 psi or to NDL limits
Not exclusive to Aldora, a common practice of many DO's on Cozumel.
- maximum of 6 divers per boat
Not exclusive to Aldora, a common practice of many DO's on Cozumel.
- 2 hour surface intervals at a beach club
Not exclusive to Aldora, a common practice of many DO's on Cozumel.
That leaves
- separate boats for separate ability divers
Aldora is not the only op that does this.
- high capacity tanks
At least two other DO's offer them, and it's a marginal benefit anyway on deeper dives if you are good at controlling your air consumption.
As you say, to each his own, but the diffs to me do not nearly justify the nearly doubling of the price.