1. Well, I obviously adjusted them. Still didn’t help what I was feeling. Since you’re clearly a SM veteran, you must know that there are a myriad of adjustments one needs to make in this new configuration, sometimes it’s more than just a sliding D-ring. That was my first ever SM dive and there’s only so much you know what to do on your first dive. I was overwhelmed and had to fend for myself. Which partly answers your 2nd question.I have some questions. Feel free to NOT answer them.
1) if you knew your tanks were "bottoms up" and you had sliding D-rings, why didn't you adjust them?
2) going from single tank to SM is definitely a big jump. Why are you placing your frustrations on your instructor? I felt the same way and felt I had no clue what I was doing, but that wasn't my instructor's fault.
3) If you just started SM diving, why did you consider it viable to go straight into caves?
4) On Nov 28, 2021, you asked a question on ScubaBoard: "Can I use my nitrox regulator for non-nitrox dives?" and I'm confident that shows you're very new to diving. Do you consider yourself knowledgeable enough to step into cave diving?
Lastly, not a question, but a statement: If you think "more expensive = better" then I wish you the best of luck because I've been there and done that (choosing more expensive) and regretted it immensely due to the size of the EGO and the unprofessional behaviour I dealt with and witnessed.
Safe dives!
2. I pay my instructors to instruct me. If I don’t learn, it’s on me. He didn’t instruct, simple as that. I dropped him for someone else because I felt he wasn’t doing his job and this cost me double in the end.
3. In Mexico I did some cenote diving which opened a whole new world for me. It was amazing. I wanted to explore them further and to take advantage of being all the way there, I decided to take the step then. SM was a prerequisite for this, something I hadn’t previously considered, so that was my progression.
4. I was asking a specific question about a particular part that I was considering purchasing and the question was intentionally vague. There are many differences in EU vs rest of world ratings for many components. While I have many dives over 20 years across six continents, I’ll never be an expert or think there’s nothing left to learn. One can never have enough experience to start doing something new and as dangerous as our sport; its risks are tremendous and should be respected. And learning something like SM is like learning how to dive all over again! I appreciate you taking an interest in me and my experience, so if you’d like to know more about me, feel free to DM.
5. I’ve never said or thought “more expensive = better” as I in fact don’t see this correlation, but if that’s what you think about me for some reason, that’s cool too

Anyway, my whole story was to say that I tried to save some money by going with a less reputable instructor for something technical and I ended up paying much more in the end. Since then, understanding the risks more and more, I’ve retaken another SM class and on the way to a few more dozens of SM dives before proceeding with caves. I hope my learning may help anyone in the future!