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WA State, USA
# of dives
50 - 99
Does anyone know about dive sites off of Chiapas? The only towns I could fing are Tapachula, Arriaga and Soconusco. Is it just not a good area for diving?
I've visited the state of Chiapas a couple of times, but I've never tried the diving. If you've got some extra time, I can highly recommend a few places to visit.

1. San Cristobal de las Casas
2. Palenque (Outstanding Mayan City)
3. Agua Azul Waterfalls (plan to spend at least a day)

I'll be interested to see if anyone has any diving recommendations!:)
Chiapas and Oaxaca are my favorite states in Mexico but neither offer much diving. I have spent a day in Tapachula and the only memorable thing I have from there is a photo of a "Neurotics Anonymous" meeting sign. Never seen one since.

On the Pacific side you would likely have to get up to Huatulco to find some diving and there are a few outfits in that very touristy town. I have snorkeled there but not too impressive.

I tried to go diving in Veracruz last year and there are two or three shops but the boat rides to the dive sites are well over an hour and the water is absolutely filthy there. Real fun town though.

Mexman's list of things to see is bang on. I would add a day side trip if in Palenque to the Mayan ruins at Bonampak and Yaxchilan. Absolutely beautiful.

You might want to check into the political situation in Chiapas as things were getting hot again. The American couple in Ocosingo have had their Esmeralda ranch captured recently by the local Zapatistas. The local and State authorities have not intervened.
And at a time when Ocosingo was very dicey. Trying to get into deep Lacandon country, but it was just too unsettled & paranoid.

We'll discuss it in August.

Thanks for the input. I think I'm going to just do the "easy" thing, and go to Baja. Probably Cabo to avoid expensive airfare and long travel time. I'm posting a similar thread for input on that. Thanks again!:)

p.s. hmmmmmm....Neurotics Anon, huh? Tapachula seems like an interesting place for that 12 step program, but what do I know.:wink:

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