Change LDS?

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Fayetteville GA, Wash DC, NY, Toronto, SF
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500 - 999
I have been happy using Bamboo Reef but we recently got certified for Nitrox and we want to use that almost exclusively. Recently Bamboo Reef in Monterey told me that a) they don't have many Nitrox tanks and b) they don't have any steel Nitrox tanks. I like steel because it's heavier (less extra weight) and I like 100cf tanks because I am an air hog (being a big guy).

Does anyone have a suggestion for another LDS for Monterey diving? We have been using the Whites Fusion drysuits at Bamboo Reef and I'm interested to try something else -- if they have XX.

We rent our drysuits, BCDs, and regs so good quality rentals are important.

If BR fixed those two things I see no reason to change.

- Bill
AFAIK, Aquarius Dive Shop on Del Monte, Glenn's Aquarius II Dive Shop on the Breakwater Pier and 7 Seas Scuba next to Backscatter will all fill/rent banked Nitrox in steel tanks.

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I have rented HP100s with nitrox at Aquarius Dive Shop on Del Monte.
Personally I like AWS. Banked 32 and Trimix. A little off topic. How often do you dive? I would suggest saving up to buy your own tanks, BC and regs... Just add up how much you spend on rentals a year and see how much you'll save.
Bamboo reef banks EAN32 and can fill just about any tank. It is only an issue if you want them to do a blend other then 32 that they have to use 100% O2 and need a specially cleaned tank. If you are happy with 32 I believe Bamboo Reef should be able to take care of you. As far as other options for renting tanks I would check out Aquarius Dive Shop as Fisheater & Bperc recommended.
Personally I like AWS. Banked 32 and Trimix. A little off topic. How often do you dive? I would suggest saving up to buy your own tanks, BC and regs... Just add up how much you spend on rentals a year and see how much you'll save.

Hi Ben, who or what is AWS?

I'm glad you asked me about the cost of rentals. I just do not see the financial benefit of purchasing scuba gear (except for drysuits). We dive once a month plus vacations, more or less. That's maybe 20 - 30 days of diving per year. To recoup the cost of a reg set for example, (at least $500, if I am lucky) I'd have to rent for about two years. Give or take. That makes it "not urgent" to buy. Similarly with BCDs. I haven't priced out tanks.

I'd truly love to get all this stuff but I simply do not have a thousand dollars to lay out for regs, plus a similar amount for BCDs for Emily and I. I am a mere teacher.

Drysuits look like a good payoff in the short term. I am looking around for slightly used ones.

- Bill

---------- Post added January 31st, 2013 at 07:12 PM ----------

Bamboo reef banks EAN32 .

What does it mean to "bank" a gas? BR told me they have a shortage of tanks for it. Is there another storage (large tank) that they have pre-filled?

I think I might just call Keith and tell him what's up about my rental needs.

- Bill
AWS is Any Water Sports, a LDS in San Jose.

Banked nitrox is premixed nitrox that can be used to fill your tank, O2 clean or not. The other method is to partially fill a tank with 100% oxygen and then top off with air. That method does require an O2 clean tank.

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AWS is Any Water Sports in San Jose. It's a fine shop and I use them for some things. But it's in San Jose.
In Monterey I use Aquarius on Del Monte because it's no problem to park my boat trailer there and I like the

"Bank" means they have some great big tanks pre-filled with Nitrox and just transfer it to your own (or rented) tanks.
(OK, that's an over simplification -- They can "just transfer" up to whatever the pressure is in the bank, and
then they have to use a booster pump that's powered by the compressed air in the air banks.)

You'll have to check with the other Monterey dive shops (or shops wherever you live) about dry suit rentals.
Your profile says you are in SF, so I think Bamboo Reef SF is the only local game in town.

I'd say the priority for purchase is:

1. Mask, fins, snorkle, gloves.
2. Exposure suit. This comes early so you don't have to guestimate weighting each weekend.
3. Computer. Get a wrist mount and you can use with whatever reg you rent.
4. Reg and BC.
5. Tanks

Keep an eye out for used tanks. I picked up two HP 80 Nitrox tanks, in hydro, out of vis,
a while back for $25 each from a guy who was getting out of diving and just wanted them
gone. I've picked up a number of HP100s for $200ish. If you find the right tank at the
right price, jump on it.

ditto Chuck get a suit you can buy one better then you can rent also it smells like you!!! If you look you can get a very good simi dry for about $179.99 that's cheaper than 10 weekend rentals

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