Chamber Day
First of all, thank you to all who made this happen both from a participant and a volunteer standpoint. We literally could not do it without you.
I'm delighted to report that our grand total of $116,057 was better than we thought we'd do and is also the seventh-highest total ever for the event. We tried a few new things this year - different raffle format and VGD VIP area at Chamber Eve, plus Early Bird pricing for Chamber Day - and we'll make some tweaks for next year. But hopefully everyone had a good time and - more importantly - we raised much-needed funds for our Chamber.
Here's how the numbers break down by segment of the event:
• Chamber Day (boat, raffles, merchandise) - $13,369
• Flying Dutchman - $7,600
• Chamber Eve (diners, VGD, raffle tix, merchandise) - $26,872
• Challenge - $66,186
• Web merchandise - $2,030
And here's the requisite check presentation shot (courtesy of Chris Glaeser - Karl Huggins on the left and me on the right):
Many thanks for your continued support.
- Ken & Karl
First of all, thank you to all who made this happen both from a participant and a volunteer standpoint. We literally could not do it without you.
I'm delighted to report that our grand total of $116,057 was better than we thought we'd do and is also the seventh-highest total ever for the event. We tried a few new things this year - different raffle format and VGD VIP area at Chamber Eve, plus Early Bird pricing for Chamber Day - and we'll make some tweaks for next year. But hopefully everyone had a good time and - more importantly - we raised much-needed funds for our Chamber.
Here's how the numbers break down by segment of the event:
• Chamber Day (boat, raffles, merchandise) - $13,369
• Flying Dutchman - $7,600
• Chamber Eve (diners, VGD, raffle tix, merchandise) - $26,872
• Challenge - $66,186
• Web merchandise - $2,030
And here's the requisite check presentation shot (courtesy of Chris Glaeser - Karl Huggins on the left and me on the right):
Many thanks for your continued support.
- Ken & Karl