Cenotes vs. Utila - September

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Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
# of dives
25 - 49
Hi, all -

A dive buddy and I are trying to make up our minds about a very brief getaway to Central America next month. After reviewing the many options, we've narrowed things down to a decision between cenotes (+Playa del Carmen and possibly Cozumel) diving -- that would be cavern, not cave -- and Utila.

I will only have about five days down there, while my buddy may opt to stay for another week and enjoy some land-based activities. Thus, the factors we're considering are:

+ safety (at the risk of resurrecting a dead horse to beat, an update on the situation [or non-situation] at the Bay Islands from any locals would be much appreciated)
+ marine life/underwater sights
+ non-diving activities (my buddy is a fan of the backpacker scene and not into "touristy")
+ pricing (bang for the buck)
+ season (is it a good time of year to go?)
+ any helpful tips for whichever we choose (e.g. mosi repellent at Dos Ojos)

[A couple of notes regarding proficiency: my buddy is "A"OW as well, has about ten fewer dives but is pretty solid in the water. Buoyancywise, I've been comfortable since my checkout dives back in February and have focused on improving buoyancy and trim since. That said, I haven't dived in fresh water since my first pool sessions, so I'd have to adjust for any cenote diving. (Just throwing that out there as a data point. Coming as I am from hooded 7 mil territory here in California, I'll be adjusting my weight regardless of where we go down there, but diving an overhead environment is of course a special case.)]

I've already read through a number of threads on these locations and have gleaned some useful tidbits from them, but further advice (as well as dive operation recommendations -- I've seen a few in past posts that look promising) from the seasoned SB crowd would be much appreciated.

Thank you!
Both good choices, except skip PDC diving when you have Coz so close. Air to Cancun is cheaper than Utila of course. I just did Cozumel but looking at Roatan 2-for-1 specials at Fantasy Island this fall. Have a good trip. :pilot:
Hi there,

My wife and I live on Utila and have done so for 4 years. I am also a U.S. Embassy Warden for the island and can assure you there are absolutely no security issues on any of the Bay Islands; life is as it has always been.

I can not address your other possibilities but can speak to Utila.

The diving is very good this time of year however it is a tad bit warm this time of year (good reason to do a lot of diving)! It is extremely inexpensive here and is a serious backpacker haven for visitors from all over the world.

The MOST you will pay for fun dives is $250. for a 10 dive package and you can stay here for as little as $3.00 per day at some of the dive operations.

You would do best to fly to Roatan and take Vern's sailboat to Utia although you can fly through San Pedro Sula but then must get to La Ceiba and then Utila.

If I can help further please don't hesitate to ask!

Cenotes diving is amazing, crystal clear waters in a cave, but once you get past that... well... it's crystal clear waters in a cave. If you haven't done it, then it is definitely worth a visit, but I don't think you can do 5 days of cenote diving and see as many different things as you can in most ocean diving (my opinion of course).

Diving off Playa del Carmen is nice, but I'll second the previously stated opinion that Cozumel is much better. For my diving money, I'd take the ferry across and stay in Cozumel, or better yet just fly into Cozumel in the first place. :)

We did Utila back in May and had a blast. Lots of healthy coral and marine life. We were fortunate and got to be in the water with a whale shark and later a pod of pilot whales. We stayed at Laguna Beach Resort which is on the nicer/more expensive side of accomodations on the island, and the dive operation is great, but if we went back to Utila I wouldn't hesitate to stay in town either. Everything I'm hearing is that the islands (Utila and Roatan) are removed from the political instability happening on the mainland. In addition to previous mentioned ways to get to Utila, you can also catch small charter flights from San Pedro Sula on the mainland directly to Utila, depending on your budget.
Hey there,

Been living in Utila for a few years now and we've been unaffected by the military situation. I agree with ramehrer about flying to Roatan and sailing with Vern. It's a great time of year to dive here. It is hot but the sea conditions are calm. You will need mozzie repellant but really only at sunset.

There is a price war going on but as some shops drop their prices to get customers it's pretty much the case that you get what you pay for. Make sure you shop around, ask about equipment and if they have qualified technicians. Also if you're fun diving ask where the boats go.

This is a Backpacker Mecca here so you're all guaranteed to have a good time!

(+Playa del Carmen and possibly Cozumel) diving -- that would be cavern, not cave -- and Utila.

I will only have about five days down there, while my buddy may opt to stay for another week and enjoy some land-based activities. Thus, the factors we're considering are:

- land factor activities are much better in Playa del Carmen as you have no real space to walk around in Utilla and you have the sandflies too

+ safety (at the risk of resurrecting a dead horse to beat, an update on the situation [or non-situation] at the Bay Islands from any locals would be much appreciated)

- not to bad on th ebay islands - you can fly onto Roatan from Houston and then take a small plane or the ferry to Utilla - or - fly into San Pedro Sula, chanmge plane and then go to La Ceiba, most luikely need to stay overnite as you arrive late in th eday and then fly next morning early to Utilla

+ marine life/underwater sights

- distinctivly different and can not be compared

+ non-diving activities (my buddy is a fan of the backpacker scene and not into "touristy")

- Utilla is a diving place, no other things to do, Playa is all things to do including diving

+ pricing (bang for the buck)

- Utilla is about half the expense as is Playa del Carmen

+ season (is it a good time of year to go?)

Any time, watch for hurricnase, October and November are the wettest - say rain - month

+ any helpful tips for whichever we choose (e.g. mosi repellent at Dos Ojos)

- repellent anywhere you go as you enter the jungle if diving cenotes, Utilla on top of repellent need coconut oil against the sandflies

Whale Shark season in Utila is in the spring - Feb-May. Doesn't mean you won't see one but the activity - and amount of people/boats looking increases during the season. If one is spotted it's a snorkel only unless it goes by you while diving. Never say never but it's highly unlikely as all six that we saw were in water too deep to dive.

We flew into Houston and took the ferry(ies) to Utila. Due to Roatan immigration taking almost an hour to check in our flight, we arrived at the ferry with 1/2 hr. or less to spare. If you miss it, you're staying overnight on Roatan. You take the Galaxy to the mainland and the Utila Princess from there to Utila. Their schedules mesh with Continental both directions - but it's a 6AM departure from Utila.

Judging by the gear I saw, just about everybody on the Princess was either a local, diver or a backpacker. It's odd that a tiny island off Honduras could be a big backpacking destination, but it is.

Vern's boat seemed like it would've been fun and it's direct, but no faster than the two ferries.

From L.A. you may not be able to get to Houston in time, we had to leave here at 5AM to do so. For us to fly to Utila would've meant either a red-eye to Newark or an overnight in Texas - and two puddlejumpers from SPS. And it was $1200 booked 2mos. in advance. Houston/Roatan was under $700 and the ferries are about $100 r/t total.

There's some really great dives off Utila, Black Hills, Pinnacles, Duppy Waters. I thought the coral in the shallows was some of the best I'd seen. A couple of dives we saw less going deeper first and more in the fringing reef just offshore the island. The south end of the Cayman trench (I think) is off the north side of Utila. I thought it was the better diving. Definitely deeper. We saw less of other diveops the further north we went as all the diveops are based south near town.

We stayed at Deep Blue, it was nice but quiet. The three pricier AI's are isolated (everything is by boat as they're across the lagoon channel from town) so if you're looking for "nightlife" :rofl3: you'll want to stay in town.

Sandflies were brutal, I counted over 100 bites on my legs. One of my fellow divers went nature-walking one day, she looked like a bad case of the chickenpox all week.
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Thanks to all for such helpful replies. Utila was my #1 choice (with the cenotes as an alternative we'd have no qualms about going with), so the information in this thread has led to our booking my Utila flights. :)

We're going to investigate lodging and dive ops more thoroughly when we get there, but will do what looking we can from here via past SB posts and the places' websites. If anyone has any they highly recommend (and thank you for the references already given above, btw), feel free to mention them.

Thanks again!
Shared-room, hostel-esque accommodations are great as long as they're relatively safe, clean, etc. I'm bringing my own gear, so private lockers would be a must in any hostel we'd choose. Inexpensive hotel accommodations would work as well.

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