Cenote diving operator recommendation

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Tracy, CA
# of dives
500 - 999
We're heading to Cozumel this upcoming July, I can't wait. I was in Coz for a week last year and loved it, but I regretted not heading over to the mainland and diving the cenotes.

Can anyone recommend a good dive op that leads 2-tank cenote diving on an almost daily schedule? We have a dry day scheduled in Coz and I'd like to be able to set up a group dive in the cenotes during that day.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Call Dennis at Diablodivers.com He's great and will treat you right!!
or you can PM him he is Pez Diablo here on SB
My husband and I stayed in Playa last year and dove Cenotes 3 days with Dive Mike (www.divemike.com) I highly recommend them, we'll be going to Cozumel in April and plan to ferry over for a day at the Cenotes with Mike. Excellent service, safety concious, fabulous diving!
I used DiveMike last December and and couldn't be happier with my choice. See my posting entitled "Playa Diving with DiveMike." Their shop is a bit difficult to find, but you'll be glad you found them. Victor was our instructor for the cenotes. Nice guy and very very competent.
Two operations in cozumel can also do trips over to the mainland. both are cave instructors but they do run cenote dives.

You also can chose from many operators on the mainland. Main advantage here is you can meet them while on Czm and decide if they are right for you.
Dennis at diablodivers.com. This is a no brainer. With over 100+ dives...he was the best operator I ever went thru. Check my previous post on him. It tells all.
I can vouch for DiveMike as well. Nice dive op. I don't know his schedule. He is located in downtown PDC and he'll take you there, which is about 45 min to an hour south of town. Or least my dive was.

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