Cenote diving nearest to Chetumal?

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Clearwater, FL
# of dives
500 - 999
I'm flying into Chetumal for a business trip later this month and will be arriving 3 days early to play. What would be the nearest location that offers cenote diving? I plan on renting a car.

We fly into Cancun and occasionally take the bus from downtown Cancun to Chetumal on our way into Belize. The overnight nonstop bus from Cancun to Chetumal is about 4-1/2 hours. Tulum is 1-1/2 hours south. So the bus from Chetumal to Tulum should be 3 hours but add some time for stops. Here is a link for the bus info: https://www.ticketbus.com.mx/ticketbus/eng/inicio.jsp Don't be scared, the bus we rode on was actually quite nice. It had A/C and was cleaner than the ones in the US! We used the ADO line. It was like $15 each way and very comfortable. Contact www.hiddenworlds.com.mx and they can help you with the cenote dives but also have pretty good information about using the bus and the stops in their area.
We took the drive from Cancun to Xcalak in November. The diving wasn't bad, but a step down from Cozumel. It was a long drive and it gets dark when the sun sets but the road was very good the whole way. We stopped off in Tulum (Tankah) for a few days on the way back and dove the Cenotes (and the ocean... which wasn't bad but a step down from...).
Have never been there but have heard there are cenotes in Bacalar, which is 45mins in the bus from Chetumal, you may want to search for Cenote Azul in Bacalar. Or you can take the 3 hour drive to Mahahual where there are now 2 or 3 dive shops and get out to the Banco Chinchorro which is supposed to be very cool.
Thanks for all the replies. We ended up driving to Tulum and staying at Dos Ciebas (been there 2 years prior, but didn't do any diving then). Based on some recommendations on this list we booked 3 days of cenote diving with "Dive with Mike" out of Playa de Carmen. Mike himself took us to Dos Ojos (the Alligator and the Bat Cave), El Jarden of Eden, Taj Mahal, and Chac Mool. We usually dove with 1 or 2 other tourists. Mike comes highly recommended.


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