Omigosh, I am freaking out! I just opened my cell phone bill and it seems that my teenager has somehow racked up a $1300 bill in one month... my husband is at the phone company now, trying to find out what happened. First of all, the bill is so confusing that we can barely read it, and it appears that the charges were made on off-peak times when we're supposed to have unlimited minutes, blah blah blah... I know that it will probably turn out that WE'RE wrong, THEY'RE right, but I am pretty upset so I had to tell someone! Anyway, I guess it's a good thing that BabyFoo has a job, cause it looks like she may be working to pay good ol' mom and dad back for a while! I know there's nothing yall can do about it, I just had to get it off my chest. (Well, actually it's my tummy that's upset...)