CDX5 and Hight Pressure Steel tanks

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Grand Rapids, MI
# of dives
50 - 99
I was just getting ready to order a HP tank, 3442 psi and wanted to make sure this wasnt above the 1st stage operating gear is in my boat 100 miles away and cant remember what presssure it said.( and cant find squat on this online)....I believe it was 3500psi.....If someone could confirm for me thanks....Just want to make sure I wont have any issues with this setup...
The Oceanic Regulator owner's guide states "Maximum working pressure for an oceanic yoke style connector is 3500 psi/ 232 BAR and for a DIN style connector is 4500 / 300 BAR. Looks like your in good shape.
ok thanks all my stuff is a long way from me....and couldnt find anything online on oceanics site...

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