Cayos's the diving?

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Probably the first, depends on the weather. Stay that second week and you'll be sure not to miss it! :D
Probably the first, depends on the weather. Stay that second week and you'll be sure not to miss it! :D

You never know I might. Stranger things have happened eyebrow
I have been to Cayos Cochinos many times and I can honestly say it has some great diving. Because the area around CC is designated marine sanctuary and Plantation Beach Resort is the only dive resort in CC the reefs are in very pristine conditions. Since the marine sanctuary designation only the local garifuna can fish the area so the big fish and the big fish schools have come back.

The phot ops are exceptional and if you dive with the PBR staff they will take you to some of the best spots in the area that are not visited by the "day trips". Not only will you see healthy reefs and the usual caribbean reef fish but also a wide assortment of the rare critters you only see in the Humann books. I was there this past May and the diving was excellent, I will be back there next March.

Many of the photographs on my site were taken there.

If you have more specific questions please let me know.

Best Regards,

absolutely phenomenol photography!!! absolutley awesome!!
Thanx, Steve
how are getting there?
Are going via the mainland?
Are using a travel agent? Is yes who?
Thank you all for your comments, I really do appreciate them. I glad you enjoyed the photographs.

mjh, I designed the site myself. The frontpage was created using Macromedia Dreamweaver and the galleries were created using a freeware component called simpleviewer 1.7.

Darren, I live in South Florida so when I go to CC I fly from Miami to San Pedro Sula. The resort arranges a flight on a local carrier from SPS to the coastal town of La Ceiba. In La Ceiba you are met by a representative of the resort that will either take you to the dock for the boat ride to the island or to a local hotel to spend the night. Depending on weather conditions it sometimes preferable to stay in town overnight and leave first thing in the morning when the winds are down. The crossing to the resort, depending on conditions is only 1-2 hours.

I do not use a travel agent, I book my air from Miami to SPS and the resort takes care of the rest. They are very flexible, I would suggest contacting them and working with Roger, PBR's manager

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