Cayos's the diving?

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near Houston, Texas
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1000 - 2499
I don't know anything about these islands other than the diving is supposed to be close to pristine. Seeing the islands off into the distance really makes me even more curious. It's been mentioned that we do a day trip to the islands while on Roatan in May. I think it's about 20 mi. from CCV. So my questions are....

1. What's the diving like?

2. How long a boat ride would it be?

3. Is it worth the trip?

The diving there is ok...

My first liveaboard trip was on a 56' sailboat called the SeaToye. We were supposed to dive Utila from her, but due to some odd circumstances we ended up going over to Cayos instead...the trip from Roatan was 4 hours by sail.

We anchored off a wall, the bow was in 12 feet of water, the stern was in 120'. We dived only a few different sites unfortunately, the captain was reluctant to move the boat very often...I think we dived Toon Town about 4 times. Lots of the standard Caribbean reef fish, but nothing larger than a 10 lb grouper. Some large-ish sponges, a small octopus, tons of tunicates, etc.

Supposedly, there are some sea mounts nearby that are quite good, but the one time we attempted to go there, the seas kicked up and we headed back to the same places we'd already seen.

A Garifuna fishing canoe paddled out to us one morning and offered to sell us the largest lobster I've ever seen for $10. We were also boarded and searched by a Honduran gunboat, an interesting experience because the captain didn't have his papers in order...are you getting the picture about this operation yet?

At the time, I thought the place was pretty good diving, but my guess is I'd be largely underwhelmed now.
Dennis...thanks, but I've read the resort listings for CC. I should have included that I'm really looking for opinions from divers who've dived there, especially recently.

Thanks Cyclon....
There is a guy in Houston who is the ultimate expert on this place. the last I heard he had spent 56 weeks there at Plantation Beach Resort(the only resort). This was obviously over a long period of time. If I went there, it would be with him, thats for sure.

He leads annual trips there.
Diver Dennis:
Oooops. Sorry Dee.

Not necessary...I should have been more clear with my requests!
Thanks, Steve.....I'll contact him

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