Question Cave diving

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Hi scuba people! I've never gone diving in a water filled cave so I figured I should be extra-safe and take a spare air. Where do I connect another tank to my mask?
Is this a serious question or a joke question?
If it is serious I would ditch that mask and look into legitimate scuba equipment, certifications and training.
If it is a joke I would ditch that mask and spare air.
You've heard of the necklace reg?

It's best to put a spare air on that necklace. You can find videos about how to make that simple necklace out of bungee online and two primary ways of making one.

There are also commercially available silicone ones you can purchase.

What you do is you stick the mouthpiece through the small hole of the necklace. Then you take the entire assembly and you throw it in a dumpster.

Because spare airs are useless garbage.
Two is one and one is none, so to safely cave dive you would need two SpareAir tanks. You could mount them on your sides, it’s called SpareMount.

You won’t connect them directly to the mask, that’s a failure point and we avoid those in cave diving. What you do in case of failure is remove the first stage from your main tank on your back (it’s called a valve drill) and mount it on one of your Spare Airs. You obviously need to hold your breath while you do it, that’s why the best cave agencies like GUE include a breath hold swim before they certify you.
Are those ear-rings below that mask?

Obviously to be dived in a latex skin suit for streamlining and wrestling the greased manatees.
Hi scuba people! I've never gone diving in a water filled cave so I figured I should be extra-safe and take a spare air. Where do I connect another tank to my mask?
View attachment 851495
I just want to know where you got that mask. I'd like to swap that on as I'm emerging from the local dive quarry on April 1st to see the reactions. A snorkel too?
Welcome to SB! If it weren’t so clear that your post was intended to be HUMOR….

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