Cat Ppalu

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Reaction score
Wichita, Kansas
# of dives
500 - 999
I am wanting information from anyone who has done this live aboard. What you liked or didn't and any must do on this trip.
I have not done this trip before but i'm sure others have. Tell me a little about the trip. When are you going? Have you done a live aboard before? How much should I expect to pay?
I did the Cat Ppalu for New Year's 2007. We had a group of 10 on the boat, so we knew everybody well. It is close quarters, so that kind of makes things easier. We were very lucky with the weather. It was around 80 every day and the water temperatures were around 77. Good for end of December. The Exumas were absolutely amazing to dive. The reefs were very healthy and the fish were plentiful. I have heard that our Captain and Divemaster that we had have moved on by now, but they were really great. I can't think of anything that I didn't like about the trip at all. I would do it again in a heartbeat. They sure fed us well too!
I went on a trip on this boat a couple of years ago with my LDS. It was an "all ladies" trip. We had a blast,... but yes, I would say it is close quarters, so be prepared. I knew the captain because I had done Blackbeard's the year before & he was the captain on the boat I was on. The crew was great! The only thing I wasn't crazy about, was there was no Nitrox available & when I do multiple day, multiple dives/ day, I prefer Nitrox.
Thanks for the replies. We just returned from our trip on Cat Ppalu. It was great. The diving was excellent. We did wall dives, one drift dive, shark dive, night dives and lots of shallow reefs. It had a little bit for everyone and something new on each dive. The crew did a great job and the food was really good. So no complaints and even the close quarters we fine. We all knew each other and on the deck you could find some space for yourself.

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