Quite a few years ago, Scubapro made a mistake by ordering their regulator bags from a new vendor and got the wrong zipper (I'm sure that somebody lost their job there!). They are the 1996-97 style in blue or black that had a retail of $40. After they didn't get paid for, the OEM sold them on the open market. I bought a TON of them back when I was a sales rep. I haven't been a rep for ten years and I need my storage space back. I have a little over a thousand of them left. There are 24 to a case and one color per case. I have been selling them one by one on eBay but really don't have time to do that anymore.
Remember ... these are closeouts and carry no warranty from Scubapro.
SO ... if you have a store that can move some closeouts, I will make you a deal you can't refuse.
Remember ... these are closeouts and carry no warranty from Scubapro.
SO ... if you have a store that can move some closeouts, I will make you a deal you can't refuse.