Casa Maya

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Reaction score
Troy, Michigan
# of dives
100 - 199
Has anybody dove in the area of this city. It is located on the southern end of the Yucutan peninsula. I will be going there in December and am attempting to research the area, but can't find much on the internet
Has anybody dove in the area of this city. It is located on the southern end of the Yucutan peninsula. I will be going there in December and am attempting to research the area, but can't find much on the internet

Try "Banco Chinchorro"
You might have better luck if you search for Costa Maya, and Majahual (the nearby town). Terrific diving there, but not a lot of infrastructure.
BurBunny or Mart1....

I'm heading down there May 30 and wondered where you stayed and who you used for a dive op? Did you tour the Boisphere? What is a "don't miss" in the area?

Thanks for the info.

BurBunny or Mart1....

I'm heading down there May 30 and wondered where you stayed and who you used for a dive op? Did you tour the Boisphere? What is a "don't miss" in the area?

Thanks for the info.


Hi Dave, the cenotes of course, there is lots of cenotes and caves that have not been explored south of Tulum.
And if you want wrecks: try to get to Banco Chinchorro, everything from spanish galleons to modern wrecks.

i will be in xcalak on april 18th. i will be staying at marina mikes and will be diving with xtc dive shop. i will try to give dive updates each day.
good diving

I'm heading down there May 30 and wondered where you stayed and who you used for a dive op? Did you tour the Boisphere? What is a "don't miss" in the area?

Thanks for the info.

Thanks everybody. I was misspelling the location. Also I thought Costa Maya was the port, but have since learned that Costa Maya is actually the coast, and Majahual is the city near the port. I contacted Costa De Cocos but they are a 30 minute ($40 Taxi) drive away from the port. They refered me to Blue Ha which is about 2 miles from the pier. I've searched the internet and both dive shops seem to be excellent operations. Thanks again everybody for your assistance.

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