I believe my original posts accurately described the situation. As others responded indicating a misunderstanding of the facts I replied to clarify. It was not my intention to mislead or misrepresent these facts.Now more of the truth is coming out... Not as bad as originally led to believe
My intention was to inform others (and perhaps to vent a little). Although my contributions to ScubaBoard over the years have regrettably been few, I have benefitted immensely from the recommendations and reviews to be found here. Especially when it comes to choosing dive destinations. As a result of the contributions to this board I've had the pleasure of experiencing many fantastic dive vacations (Scuba Club Cozumel, Buddy Dive Bonaire, Coco ViewRoatan, Castle Comfort Dominica, Solmar V to name a few). In general I found the comments regarding dive operations to be fair and accurate. My goal was toadd to this dialogue and let others make an informed decision as I have been able to do in the past.
We booked on this vessel early without the benefit of others experience. As others had the opportunity to report their experience it has been predominantly negative. Although we never even left home our experience with Dancer Fleet, specifically with Carib Dancer, has been negative as well. I plan to use this experience to guide my decision making regarding dive vacations in the future. I hope others will learn from our mistake. Perhaps as DiverCarlos has suggested maybe we were lucky to have had the trip cancelled.
Finally I do hope that Dancer Fleet responds to this thread. Not in the aggressive attacking manner they have adopted in the past. But rather as part of a constructive dialogue to help improve their product and service. We are Dancer Fleet's customers and more importantly (to Dancer) potential future customers.