Having just read that thread, most of the self appointed experts in it are talking complete nonsense.
carbon plates are just foolish
I wouldn’t take one near salt water, indeed I wouldn’t have one
But I only used to design and test CF components in aerospace. If Haylc0n make them and GUE sell them, they must be okay
The linked to thread was just to provide some reading reference for the OP. I didn't read through all the pages/posts of the thread, I skipped through to get the gist of the discussion, and I was not commenting on whether or not CF was fit for purpose or environment, i have no doubt it is. I would alos bet between 2011 and 2020 the quality of CF manufacturing has improved.
And yes Halcyon makes CF plates along with some other manufacturers, but as I stated:
"...for cost/weight/durability an Aluminum plate is the safer bet over CF."
The cost of a Halcyon plate made from CF is ridiculously expensive, more so than the typical tax one would pay to sport their brand logo. Not saying it isn't a quality piece of kit, I am only stating it is an expensive piece of kit for what it does.
The Halcyon CF plate weighs approximately 1lb.
A typical Aluminum plate weighs between 1.5lbs and 2lbs.
For the cost and durability factors, if I was traveling by air, I would pack a couple fewer t-shirts and suck up the weight penalty of an aluminum plate. If my luggage was to get mistreated or crushed it is unlikely the aluminum plate would be critically damaged and if slightly bent it could be hammered back into shape if need be...in the same scenario if the CF plate was damaged one would be looking for replacement gear...not the position I would want to be in a dive trip if I could avoid it.
So, are CF plates available? yes
are they fit for purpose? yes
are they strong? for the application, perhaps yes, if properly designed and manufactured.
are they durable? yes with the caveat "if well cared for" as CF will not accept the type of wear and tear or abuse that steel or aluminum plates can suffer without issue.
how do they compare to other materials available for the same type of product? Expensive and not quite as durable long-term, and may be more susceptible to damage due to mishandling compared to other materials, but lighter none-the-less.
With CF you get a the double benefit of a lighter plate and a lighter wallet.