Can't Load on Vimeo...?!

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One kilometer high on the Texas Central Plains
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Seems like a fun new tool for SB users, but how long has Upload been down? I went to that page 8 hours ago, on two computers, waited an hour or more between periodic refershes, and it's still stuck on Loading uploader, one moment... :confused:

Anyone using it on a regular basis and have any insight here? Yes, Pebkac is always possible. :silly:
Which page are we talking about?
Not a SB page - Vimeo, the site approved for embedded videos that allows over 10 minutes in play unlike youtube.

Not a SB responsibility, but I thot this'd be the appropriate forum to ask if anyone knew anything...?
Something on your end DD, it takes about a second to display their opening screen/video for me. Just tried it now.

Odd since don't you post on YouTube? They use the same Flash engine so it should work. Your browser already has the correct plug-in or you would have the same problem with YouTube.

It's not somehow in your blocked url list is it?
Thanks SJ. I'll try different browser.

edit: Yep, it opened and ready quickly on Google Chrome. Don't know why it won't on Firefox for me? Maybe something in my Flashblock.

Thanks again for the help. Now I know where to troubleshoot...
Update: I'd had some issues with Firefox video Download helper on my other computer. I kept looking for differences, not noticing any. Finally checked my Control Panel Programs and it seems that my Adobe Flash updates had not gone thru on either of them; I've seen this before with Adobe. So I removed it completely and reloaded it. That solves the Download probelm, but now on Vimeo Upload I get "We noticed you're using Flash 10 which might cause some issues with our uploader. Try using our basic uploader" on FF & GC both in addition to the Loading uploader, one moment... still there on FF. These machines make me look so dumb at times. :dunce:

GC loaded the first vid ok. Now neither GC or FF will not load the second one on the main upload page but both seem okay with Basic upload. Is Vimeo not FF or Flash friendly...?

Any educated or experienced opinions appreciated.
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