To respond to Spratman:
This is definately not a dump on Maya Aqua or the CD, if you read my other posts you will see they are all positive regarding this situation. But to say he was not suspended during his employment with Maya Aqua is confusing, Because when he was recruiting me, his website specifically linked to yours, and my friend how attended his course, said they dove with you.
I feel left slighted, not by MAYAAQUA, and infact I apologize if this thread seems that way, but please do not insult my intelligence to say the CD was not involved with MAD prior to his suspension. Maybe the situation has now changed. But for the record, I have heard nothing but positive and glowing remarks on MAD, and yes I recommend them. So again my apologise to MayAqua if this thread took a negative turn. safe diving
This is definately not a dump on Maya Aqua or the CD, if you read my other posts you will see they are all positive regarding this situation. But to say he was not suspended during his employment with Maya Aqua is confusing, Because when he was recruiting me, his website specifically linked to yours, and my friend how attended his course, said they dove with you.
I feel left slighted, not by MAYAAQUA, and infact I apologize if this thread seems that way, but please do not insult my intelligence to say the CD was not involved with MAD prior to his suspension. Maybe the situation has now changed. But for the record, I have heard nothing but positive and glowing remarks on MAD, and yes I recommend them. So again my apologise to MayAqua if this thread took a negative turn. safe diving