Can contact with neoprene break down spandex swimsuits?

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
# of dives
50 - 99
First off this one is a serious quetion not a troll or joke.

I started diving late last year. Up here in in the land of the moose, 7mm wetsuits are the norm, as are drysuits. As I am new to the sport I use a 7mm. Even in summer, once you breach the thremocline, it can get chilly. Hence the 7mm suits.

I have not opted for a skin (yet) as am in the midst of a weight loss, cardio and weight training program. I'm just over 40 and I have declare open warfare on the spare tire. Once I get rid of the extra me, I plan on using a skin with the 7mm.

Last season, what little I had of it, I wore a standard speedo under the wetsuit (yes I know this is probably going give some a frightful mental image and for that I apologize). Anyway, after our last open water dive, my wife noticed that my bathing suit was thin...almost as if the actual fabric was breaking down.

I was wondering if a nylon and spandex combination fabric reacts negatively with neoprene? I've ordered a lycra swimsuit to replace the old speedo...public obseneity laws dictated that the old suit hit the garbage heap. So I was also wondering if anyone has noticed a similar type of problem with lycra suits and neoprene or if they had noticed problem with spandex/nylon suits with neoprene wetsuits.

Thanks for your help.
Noticed the same thing on my lycra Speedo Jammers which I wear a Tropical 0.5mm Wetsuit and X-shorts over for my dives in warm water. (The TVR brand jammers seem to deteriorate more rapidly.) I always thought it was just due to the tight high friction area of the Crotch region, together with the Crotch strap from my BP/W set-up. . .
I have worn bike shorts under my wet suit quite a bit and have not had any issues.


Dude, what about the chamois? :wink:
That's what happens when you pee in suit!!! :D :D

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