Most folks have been asked what camera settings they use or have asked someone the same question. It drives me nuts, not because I mind being asked and I hope others do not mind me asking, but, it makes my brain hurt because then I have to think of a logical and understandable way to relay the desired information
Some of this info was condensed from a few old books, school of hard knocks (I have a Phd in that area!) and recently a good post by @Barmaglot. Here is some thoughts, not everything under the sun but a basic explanation of how I come to my settings. It really does not matter the type or brand of camera or housing or strobe as long as capable of shooting in other than full auto (like a TG). It also does not matter if you are shooting Manual and with strobe sTTL (which I usually do), the basics still apply. If useful, great, if not, oh well.


Some of this info was condensed from a few old books, school of hard knocks (I have a Phd in that area!) and recently a good post by @Barmaglot. Here is some thoughts, not everything under the sun but a basic explanation of how I come to my settings. It really does not matter the type or brand of camera or housing or strobe as long as capable of shooting in other than full auto (like a TG). It also does not matter if you are shooting Manual and with strobe sTTL (which I usually do), the basics still apply. If useful, great, if not, oh well.
