[I need some advice about an Aqualung Calypso O2 regulator... On their website Aqualung describes this regulator as:
The Calypso O2 regulator has all the same features and benefits of the popular Calypso regulator, with the added bonus of being designed and built for use with breathing gasses containing oxygen percentages between 40 - 100%. The Calypso O2 is an excellent choice for technical divers in need of a shallow-water regulator capable of operating with a high O2 percentage.
What do they mean shallow - water regulator?
The Calypso O2 regulator has all the same features and benefits of the popular Calypso regulator, with the added bonus of being designed and built for use with breathing gasses containing oxygen percentages between 40 - 100%. The Calypso O2 is an excellent choice for technical divers in need of a shallow-water regulator capable of operating with a high O2 percentage.
What do they mean shallow - water regulator?