Calling out SCUBARACER!!

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Austin, TX
I know that you were in Cozumel last week and I know that you have pictures! Are you going to share with us poor Austin divers that have only seen lake muck? :)
He can't...he's still waiting for that LDS to open, so he can get air...:D
deepwater once bubbled...
He can't...he's still waiting for that LDS to open, so he can get air...:D

He said that did some Nitrox diving so that means that he got into the shop this time. Of course, I shudder to think about the expense of hooking a "human purge valve" onto a bottle of nitrox. :wink:

Seriously, last time I talked to him he said that he caught some kind of bug at the tail end of his trip.

Hope you are feeling better! crap I don't remember which one you are supposed to catch while diving.
Been busy :confused:

Anyway the trip to Cozumel was AWESOME. We stayed at the Intercontinental Presidente, ate at some awesome places, I HIGHLY recommend a small place called Guido's <-- THE BEST.

I have some nice DV of the trip, and some nice pics, and I will share with the rest here very soon. Gimme till Monday morning, and I will have some Mpeg's, and Jpg's for your viewing pleasure!

I am also now Nitrox certified through NAUI, and we dove with a company called SCUBA-DU. I highly recommend them.

The thing that was the biggest pain in the ass was getting some rebreather tanks refilled at Meridiano 87 (tank fill place), all the dive shops did not want to refill these tanks, cause they were scared of the Draeger Dolphin. This was the only downside.

Soon I'll have vids, and pics though!

One more thing to some of my local divebuddies, I was not like a human purge valve :) I was doing 50 minute dives with the 1st dive being at 80ft for 30 minutes, and the second at 50ft for around 30 minutes :)

I am also about to purchase a used Nikonos 5 with Macro Lense, some kind of land lenses, Strobes, Pelican case, the whole nine yards :)

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.


-=Human Purge Valve=-
I knew we could flush him out. :wink:

SCUBARACER once bubbled...

One more thing to some of my local divebuddies, I was not like a human purge valve :) I was doing 50 minute dives with the 1st dive being at 80ft for 30 minutes, and the second at 50ft for around 30 minutes :)

Nice. Actually I noticed that you only seemed to "purge" for the first couple minutes then seem to settle down.

Can't wait to see those pics!
Guido's is very good, takes a little bit to find it the first time though.

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