Call To Action..."Save our Sharks!"

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Hey Eli,
I’m prone to action rather than words. This new ‘Shark Man’ who is fishing for protected sharks such as Threshers in Florida would make a good target in my opinion.

I’ve been supporting Sea Shepherd for some time. If any of you don’t know what they do Google them and learn. They don’t beat around the bush. While staying more or less within the bounds of legality, they harass fishermen (usually longliners) until they leave the area.

If we were to organize a boat to follow this ‘Shark Man’ around for a few days and interfere with his activities it would at the very least stir up a lot of attention. We then have knowledgeable people on our side in Florida such as Neil Hammerchlag who I’m sure would explain to the press why it was necessary to take physical action.

I love this approach because its proactive, the media will eat it up, and if it saves some sharks then it’s instantly successful and gratifying.

So, does anyone in Florida have a fast boat?

Andy Murch
I prefer to stay entirely within the bounds of legality.

Andy Murch:
While staying more or less within the bounds of legality

I just rescently subscribed to shark diver Magazine the newsletter an E-CHUM. I would be more then happy to help out anyway I can. I am always telling people the good things about SHARKS since I am so passionate about them. So if there is anyway I can help to protect them and any of our marine friends I will be glad to help.
Hey Eli,
I have always felt that kids are the key to the future. The fact is that almost all of what kids, and alot of others, know about sharks is from less than realistic movies and media hype. I think that if we could put together a program that could be presented to schools we could convince the next generation that sharks are worth saving not fearing. In turn, children will pass this knowledge on to their parents and it moves up the ladder from there.
Chad High
Hey Eli,
I have always felt that kids are the key to the future. The fact is that almost all of what kids, and alot of others, know about sharks is from less than realistic movies and media hype. I think that if we could put together a program that could be presented to schools we could convince the next generation that sharks are worth saving not fearing. In turn, children will pass this knowledge on to their parents and it moves up the ladder from there.
Chad High

Great point, i will second that. Actually, a lot of schools will even pay to have a speaker come in and that can lead to an advertising fund against shark finning.

Also, Eli..interesting article you put up on your site recently about the company in Singapore that is a big shark fin wholesaler. COuldn't believe that C**P coming out of that guys mouth about environmentalists not understanding. What a jack**s
Anyhoo, i think we should flood that magazine that ran the story with lots of photos of boats full of nothing but fins and not a fish to be found anywhere....

Mike Veitch:
Great point, i will second that. Actually, a lot of schools will even pay to have a speaker come in and that can lead to an advertising fund against shark finning.

Also, Eli..interesting article you put up on your site recently about the company in Singapore that is a big shark fin wholesaler. COuldn't believe that C**P coming out of that guys mouth about environmentalists not understanding. What a jack**s
Anyhoo, i think we should flood that magazine that ran the story with lots of photos of boats full of nothing but fins and not a fish to be found anywhere....

Perhaps something based on a relatively universal aspect of a school's science syllabus (I don't know if the US has an overall syllabus I guess it might be by state) could be put together online/downloadable and offered with pictures, worksheets etc. I guess it could explain food webs/evolution/sustainability economics/geography or any number of things (and we could touch the conservation points neatly in passing whilst providing some education).
Yes, making a curriculum available would be even better, strictly non profit. Wyland has a curriculum he offers to schools all over the world based on conserving the oceans. Perhaps create something about sharks based on that model.

Ok, Eli, get on that one, i think is a good idea. I'll help with video
The call to action has not been forgotten everyone. Plans and ideas are being worked on behind the stay tuned. We also have been distracted by the Disney thing also. Thats a tough one to crack...But we are working on it every day. Please send your e-mails to corporate Disney HQ. You can find the email addresses on ourhome page under conservation news...dated May 19.

cheers and keep up the good fight,

"By the Sword!"

Education, particularly of children, is vital.

They have so much power to influence their parents consumer choices!

Imagine the impact if we could turn this Disney thing around and get Disney HK to live up to their enviromentaly "friendly" image and actively campaign and educate against sharkfinning!

As far as education programmes go I am developing a mobile marine education/conservation display in Perth, Western Australia.

The display will visit schools directly.. arming children with the knowledge to participate in protecting our oceans. As well as exhibiting to the public.

I would be happy to help develop and publicise any educational resources, modify them to suit Aussie curriculum if need be and to help get them into schools over here. Templates that can be modified to address international issues on a local level would be good, as it brings the issues closer to home for the kids and makes it more real.

Perhaps a new forum on Scubaboards for conservation education is in order?
A place where we can specifically share and develop ideas and approaches for teaching our kids how to care for our ocean.

Would anyone have any video and stills which I may be able to include in my display as it develops.Species relevent to Western Australia are most important. I am still raising money for the project so the timeline is within the next six months.

I was also intending on running a guerilla postering campaigns sticking multi-lingual anti finning posters in the vicinity of Fin serving restaraunts in Perth, what does everyone think of these kind of approaches?

Great to see so many people passionate about these issues!

Paul Sharp
Perhaps something based on a relatively universal aspect of a school's science syllabus (I don't know if the US has an overall syllabus I guess it might be by state) could be put together online/downloadable and offered with pictures, worksheets etc. I guess it could explain food webs/evolution/sustainability economics/geography or any number of things (and we could touch the conservation points neatly in passing whilst providing some education).

Resources for Asian schools will be the most important of all, does anyone have contacts or langage skills to translate these worksheets/resources for the Asia Pacific region?

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