Call for Interest in a Florida Vintage Dive Meet in April 2025

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Scuba Lawyer

Reaction score
Laguna Beach, California
# of dives
5000 - ∞
A few of us with experience in putting on vintage dive events are looking at April 2025 for a vintage dive gathering at one of the Florida Springs. It would be open to everyone from everywhere. There would be double hose regs and such to try. Lots of diving. We'd try to get group rates at a local hotel, likely do a group dinner, etc... Maybe a day or two total.

No obligation whatsoever, just trying to get a sense of how many folks show significant interest. PM me your name and contact info (email is best) if interested. I will keep your info confidential and send out updates if this looks like an Event that has enough interest to happen.

Mark -- anymore Sea Hunt Days coming up?

Mark -- anymore Sea Hunt Days coming up?

Hi Gene,

Not at present. I've been working hard to put that show together again but have run into a few logistical issues. Never say never. 😁
We will try to post information as soon as it develops. The main base for this data will be Vintage Double Hose website under "Gatherings". I know Scuba Lawyer will repost here on SB, but newest information will be on VDH. Right now we are interested in knowing numbers. Logistics can be worked out.
We will try to post information as soon as it develops. The main base for this data will be Vintage Double Hose website under "Gatherings". I know Scuba Lawyer will repost here on SB, but newest information will be on VDH. Right now we are interested in knowing numbers. Logistics can be worked out.
Vintage Double Hose
Florida Springs Dives
April 9
, 2025

1. Quite a few of the Vintage Double Hose Divers Group are attempting to put
together another Vintage Dive Gathering SAND DOG 2.0 that were called
Sand Dogs in the years past. The month of April from the 9
, 2025 has
been chosen for the get together. The weather will be warming up and
changing for the better and those that live in the cold north can schedule
2. Roger VF and Allan Klauda are the primary coordinators of this event but
certainly we will need help getting the word out. WE are attempting to
coordinate where the overnights will take place and the a-la-cart diving
locations for the 4-day event. We will have costs and group rates for the
motel that is the nicest and close to Ocala. The Best Western Motel has been
chosen for the motel as the rate is reasonable and they have comped us a
meeting room in the evenings until 10 pm so we can all gather, tell lies,
stories, talk about the old days, swap out equipment. The rooms are $140 a
night plus 11.5% tax per night for double occupancy. Here’s the caveat, we
need to call and give them your Credit card to hold the room under the
SAND DOG 2.0 before March 9th

. Please let me know if you are coming via
my email so I can keep track. I have 15 rooms
reserved for the group. I am not collecting c/c numbers or money. Plan
ahead and block the dates. The motel is the Best Western Ocala Park
Centre, 3701 SW 38 Ave, Ocala, Fl34474. Phone number is 352-237-4848.
3. Dates in April have been determined so mark them on your calendar.
Planning on 4 days of diving and locations and pricing for you to make
plans will be placed in an email to you soon. Travel time is not scheduled
into the dive days. So plan on traveling on your nickel and arrive on the day
before diving begins. You do not have to stay with the group if you have
other perks at other motel chains you want to use. This is there and I know
it’s not a 5 star but its available.
4. No money to exchange hands. We will do a group booking and each diver or
couple will call and schedule their rooms. Hopefully we will get better than
normal pricing. WE received better than normal rates.
5. Air fills will be supplied by RVF and any other compressor that is brought
to Florida. Allan has offered his humble abode to gather at the end of the
diving day to fill. I will be glad to put some tanks in my trailer and fill them.
Probably can fill before the day is out. I will have a four to a six bottle
cascade in a trailer and for those that travel a distance I am pretty confident

we can have at least a few extra tanks available for those flying in to dive.
These will be steel 71.2’s.
6. Flying in would be Gainesville Airport which is probably as close to Ocala
as you can get. But again, these accommodations for flights are the diver’s
7. Possible dive locations: Alexander Springs, Ginnie Springs , Blue Grotto,
Devils Den, Rainbow River drift dive, Blue Springs State park and any
others you can think of adding to the list of potentials. If Rainbow is drifted
then a boat rental and “Captain” Allan Klauda has offered to be the
operator, is best to drop off group(s). This will require some funds and
deposits. I will set this up. No other funding will be requested. If donations
for air fills are given that will help with fuel costs to get the compressor
there from Ohio.
8. Fun and games. Each evening could bring some Sea Hunt Forever and Sea

Hunt Historic Films the original series. Should have some type of give-a-
ways prizes for those in attendance. Food coupons? A possible give away of

a rebuilt double hose. Everyone gets a ticket. I might be able to help with
this one. I will check in with Jerry and Todd and Rob to see if they want to
participate now that we have established dates.
9. Once again airfare is scheduled by the individual divers.
10. Plan on your car rentals for the 5 or 6 days. We will not be able to pick divers
up at the airports.
11. Ocala is the central location we looking to use as the home base. I have
begun the process of getting pricing to the dive sites. I will forward prices
for the dive sites as they answer our requests. My suggestion is to not advise
we are diving double hoses. It just confuses the issues locally.
12. Invites to the event can be spread by word of mouth or forward this email. I
will need email addresses from you or others to get them sent out in a
reasonable time frame so people can plan ahead. I will begin to work on a
list of names.
13. List of names:
a. Roger VF
b. Allan Klauda and Anne
c. Rob Studnicka and Barb
d. Jim Bach
e. Todd Conner
f. Jerrie Struble
g. Pete McCadden and son
h. Karl Gehring
i. Jeffrey Vaughn
j. Alec Pierce
k. Terry( forgot last name) from Traverse City
l. Luis Heros and Christine?
m. Ron Bentz
n. Ron Benson
o. Tom Madere

p. Herman Mowery
q. Mark Spencer Scuba Lawyer
r. Surf Lung Eben Brown
s. Voit the Lung Greg Barlow
t. Gregs buddy Mark
u. Ron Sivonda
v. Gary Reece
w. Captain Tom Madere
x. Herman’s Buddy Henry Allen?
y. Dan Benedict Van Frankoo’s bud
z. George Fees and Lilly
aa. James Williams
bb.Andrew Hartley
cc. Scott Bonser
Again, let others know that I am sure, I have missed. Email me at Come on lets get there.
Roger Van Frank
Some Information for your information
Base Motel: Best Western Ocala Park Centre
3701 SW 38 Ave. 532-237-4848
ALEXANDER SPRING (352-669-3522)
49525 Cty Rd 445 Altoona, FL 32702. 49 mi, 1 hr 9 min. ($13.91)
ALLAN’S. (585-733-6193)
10041 SW 97th CT, Ocala, FL 34481 [In Pine Run] 8.7 mi, 18 min
GINNIE SPRING (386-454-7188)
7300 NE Ginnie Springs Rd High Springs, FL 32643. 65 mi 1 hr 5 min
9435 SW 190th Ave Rd Dunnellon, FL 23 mi 31 min $20 +15 for boatride to drop
off ?
BLUE SPRING (386-775-3663)
2100 W French Ave Orange City, Fl, 75 mi 1 hr. 44 min ?$
BLUE GROTTO (352-528-5770)
3852 NE 172 CT Williston, FL 32696 29 mi 39 min $57
DEVILS DEN (352-528-3344)
5390 NE180th Ave Williston, FL 32696 29 mi 38 min $48
AQUATIC CENTER OF OCALA (352-245-9162) 8769 US-441 Ocala, FL [Craig]
A few of us with experience in putting on vintage dive events are looking at April 2025 for a vintage dive gathering at one of the Florida Springs. It would be open to everyone from everywhere. There would be double hose regs and such to try. Lots of diving. We'd try to get group rates at a local hotel, likely do a group dinner, etc... Maybe a day or two total.

No obligation whatsoever, just trying to get a sense of how many folks show significant interest. PM me your name and contact info (email is best) if interested. I will keep your info confidential and send out updates if this looks like an Event that has enough interest to happen.



I can come hopefully at least one of the days or maybe two to shoot some photos of you all like I've done before at Silver Springs.... I'm local.
I can come hopefully at least one of the days or maybe two to shoot some photos of you all like I've done before at Silver Springs.... I'm local.
Gene, that would be awesome!

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