Oh, look! I learned how to quote!
I had heard of the DivCon but thought most of the materials will be over my head.
I wouldn't want to go take up the space of people who would've gotten more out of it.....nor embarrass myself by going there and falling asleep!
Thank you.
You can't cure Ugly but you can sure cure Ignorance by education...
The DivCon is presented to laymen by professionals in laymen's terminology. Many who attend are from UW S&R, teams through out California with the spare seats occupied by local divers who want to increase their knowledge of all aspect of diving.
If you were to attend you would be exposed to a different level of diving taught by experts with many levels of experience and professional knowledge. All are long term UW instructors (aka SCUBA) most are Pro-5000 divers (over 5000 dives) One is the director of the Catalina hyperbaric chamber, two are hyperbaric doctors; one is the Director of ER& Hyperbarics at a local hospital- the other is USN trained. A diving historian will lead you through the development of UW breathing apparatus all developed and operational long before Cousteau's bubble machine
If you fall asleep not to fret all attendees are presented with a program syllabus generally around sixty pages (No not a coloring book) that can be read or put in a place of honor with your other SCUBA books for future reference.
No! it would not be for you -- but you can sure cure Ignorance by education...And as a old college professor pounded in to my head "your either for education of against education"
It is evident that you are against education
Dr. Samuel Miller, 111