Thought I would share this discover for C7070 users who want to connect external strobes via the hot-shoe. There is a problem with the 7070 when the TTL indicates maximum flash is required. The external will NOT fire off enough light, resulting is severely under exposed pictures (this was also in indicated in other forum pages). This is the case regardless of whether the flash mode is In-flash + Ext flash or Ext Flash only.
One way to work around the problem (only works in Manual mode/manual control of strobe) is to turn the flash mode on the camera to NO FLASH. This will turn off the on board TTL flash as well as the TTL sensor, but the signal to the external strobe remains. The external strobe will still fire off, while the on-camera flash is turned off.
Does anyone know whether the upgrade of the firmware will solve this problem?
One way to work around the problem (only works in Manual mode/manual control of strobe) is to turn the flash mode on the camera to NO FLASH. This will turn off the on board TTL flash as well as the TTL sensor, but the signal to the external strobe remains. The external strobe will still fire off, while the on-camera flash is turned off.
Does anyone know whether the upgrade of the firmware will solve this problem?