C5050 camera pic

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Dharan Saudi Arabia, Ardrishaig Scotland
# of dives
500 - 999
Ive just received my new toy its a C5050 in a PT 15 housing no strobe as yet. This is one of my first attempts, Clown Fish in about 10 m of crystal clear water. My problem is not static subjects but the moving ones any tips please!
The quality of the picture is pretty good as far as I can see.

The "problem" is the angle: pictures straight down usually do not have much depth and do not show much of the subject.

Next time you see clownfish try shooting horizontally (by putting your camara almost on the ground) or on a 45 degree angle downwards.
Also look at the surroundings: are there any nice things (corals?) to put in the fore- or background, so you get a nice composition.
I just upgraded to the same camera but I haven't gotten it wet yet. So you're way ahead of me! Got any secrets to share??? :)

ScubaRon is right....when you shoot down on your subject, you get a very flat looking picture. If at all possible, got to their level and take your photos from more of a profile angle. You can learn alot about composition from Dave Read's Photo Instruction. Although his site is based on film, alot of his information is accurate for digital as well. And good composition doesn't care which one you use! :wink:
Very nice shot of the whitetip.
Great angle and the shark's shadow on the sand is a nice touch. The only improvement could have been to shoot from the head towards the tail, but I know from experience that the fish don't always cooperate.
The clown fish were taken horizontally, they were on a wall. The white tip was just luck. My problem is the capture time of the camera it seems to take an age to capture the image. Being typically male I did not read the tutorial disk that came with the camera I just put it in the housing, used the camera in auto mode and took some snaps. Im now reading the tutorial because I was told manual focus is the way to go. Heres more clown fish as there easy to photograph.
My problem is the capture time of the camera it seems to take an age to capture the image.
Saudi-Diver, what you are experiencing is called 'shutter lag' - a common problem with most non-pro digicams. Instead of manual focus try 'pre-focusing' by half-depressing the shutter release first. Then take the photo by fully depressing the shutter release when the moment is right.
A neat little trick on the C5050 is to use the auto focus of the camera to set the manual focus: pre-focus in auto focus mode by half-depressing the shutter release. Then keeping the shutter release half-depressed press the AF/Macro/MF button - your camera will go into manual focus mode with the distance set to what the auto focus picked.
ReyeR...do you have any more of those tips and tricks for the 5050?

Pretty please??

I had the CD manual printed but it's still not the clearest thing in the world!
Dee, I heard on the scuba vine, congratulations! I go away for a week (skiing in New Zealand) and come back to find you've taken the plunge :) !
Off the top of my head the only tips I can think of you probably know already: use slave flash (A and M mode) and 'My Modes'. I will post some if I remember anymore.

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