C5050 and blurred macros

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On the macro shot, how far away from the subject were you? Also, did you also have the zoom on telephoto? The more zoom you use, the lesser the depth of field you are also going to get and you picture will also be affected a lot more easily by motion artifact. Just a thought...
What was your focal length on both of them?

Both pictures are WAY too big and pixelated for anyone to look at and give you any idea. Resize them to something like 800x600 and try again.
Let's see if this helped...still pixelated but I can't fix that.
second one...
third one...
Being new to digital, I forget that I have to re-size the picture. Can the camera be set for a smaller size photo?

I was using the telephoto fully extended and now I won't.

But the photos are not really crisp. I may start using aperature preferred instead of auto. That may fix the problem.

sailor025 once bubbled...
Being new to digital, I forget that I have to re-size the picture. Can the camera be set for a smaller size photo?

I was using the telephoto fully extended and now I won't.

But the photos are not really crisp. I may start using aperature preferred instead of auto. That may fix the problem.


Forgot to mention, when you used the telephoto fully extended, did you use the digital zoom as well as optical zoom? Turn off the digital zoom as it will also make your pictures more pixilated. You will get better result with using optical zoom only and cut and paste in program like photoshop than using digital zoom.

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