C-C hole dimensions on Manta wing.

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Reaction score
Brantford, Ontario
# of dives
200 - 499
This question is for Scott, I have a Manta wing that I will be using for my tech classes, and have had since last summer. When I first started using it, I used the wing to align my bands on my doubles. Well I just finished O2 cleaning and VIP on my 3 sets of doubles, used a tape measure and my backplate to set the bands to 11" center to center, and found that the holes on my Manta are about 3/8" shorter than that, and I needed to adjust the bands on all 3 sets of doubles to take my wing. It isn't a problem on my own personal tanks, but I can't use this wing with other people's doubles now. Is there anyway to get this checked out?

Thanks very much Scott.

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