....I've dove C-53 twice (July 03 and Oct 03, did 8 dives in 48 hours on each trip, so I've now got 16 Cozumel dives under my 'weightbelt').......and strangely enough, of all 16 dives, my 2 C-53 dives were the ONLY 2 dives where we experienced ZERO current! ......everyone kept scaring us, saying how fierce the currents would be, but both dives there turned out to be dream dives, absolutely no currents, so we swam around/over/under/inside the ship at will...it was GREAT!!!
I'd never even done any blue-water dives before, much less drift-diving, but I was amazed at how well our group did.......a number of us were pretty inexperienced and had never dove the ocean before, but Cozumel turned out GREAT!!!
I would say that perhaps we were 'lucky' at C-53 with respect to currents, and more likely than not currents will be there, so given your experience level, it might be a good idea to skip the C-53 this time...if you got 'blown-off' the C-53 you'd separate from the other divers and end up God-knows-where....so perhaps Christi made a wise judgement call in your case.
(I dove C-53 with Dive-With-Martin in July and Liquid Blue in Oct and would highly recommend both dive operators......Martin provides LP95's upon request, Liquid Blue provides HP 120's as 'standard issue'., for extra bottom time.)
C-53 is a very 'tame' wreck......it sits perfectly upright underwater, and all the doors have been removed, lots of hatches/openings in the sides, guide ropes lead divers through the passages/rooms, so it's a very safe wreck.........you do need decent bouyancy control to manuever through passages and up and down stairwells...and you need to be streamlined, so have octos/guages clipped-off so you don't drag/snag anything.......and in a few places you'll need a modest light as otherwise it can get a bit dark in a few places.
Don't be disappointed at skipping C-53 though......it's a fun dive, but Cozumel is so full of stunning reef systems you could spend a lifetime down there and never get bored.......drift-diving is really awesome.......sometimes the currents really --scream--we did a twlight-night dive where the divemaster, after we exited the water at sundown, estimated the current that time at 5 knots.
( 8 MPH)...........I felt like a cruise missile skimming over the coral terrain...really COOL!