Try this website out for settings for your camera
Dee sent it to me and i got great pictures using their settings on this page. I agree with dee on learning your camera well. It makes a difference when you are underwater and tring to change settings.
I am not sure with the 5050 but also if you can adjust it try playing with the white balance settings "without" a flash. If you can adjust white balance use a dive slate at the depth you intend to take the pics at and adjust for every few feet. and again dont use the flash with this mode
Here is a link to some pics I took with a 5060 and pt020 housing no flash at all just using the settings from the web page and adjusting the white balance. These are fresh water in dirty stained water. Vis was at most 30 feet.
Dee sent it to me and i got great pictures using their settings on this page. I agree with dee on learning your camera well. It makes a difference when you are underwater and tring to change settings.
I am not sure with the 5050 but also if you can adjust it try playing with the white balance settings "without" a flash. If you can adjust white balance use a dive slate at the depth you intend to take the pics at and adjust for every few feet. and again dont use the flash with this mode
Here is a link to some pics I took with a 5060 and pt020 housing no flash at all just using the settings from the web page and adjusting the white balance. These are fresh water in dirty stained water. Vis was at most 30 feet.