It's most certainly a direct hazard to your life. I'll do you a favor and give you five bucks for the Cyklon - for your own good.
But seriously, look inside the second stage mouthpiece. See that white plastic sleeve with an oblong opening? Poseidon calls it the 'Ejector Sleeve'. It does about the same thing as the venturi adjustment you'll find on some other regs. Thing is, though, the Cyklon moves air like a Godzilla fart. Once it cracks, it delivers lots of air very easily. The way this reg breathes is very unique, and probably a big part of the love them or hate them following the Cyklons have. Personally, I love them.
But anyways, back to my point (sorry, ADD moment there) - close that ejector sleeve down so it's just barely open - a millimeter or so. You can use a pen or paper clip or something. If you have small fingers you can do it with a fingertip. Now open the tank valve up nice and slow. If you get a small leak, try GENTLY hitting the purge. My dog is still traumatized from me playing with the purge on a Poseidon 'showerhead'. Or even better, try breathing it. See how she goes. If good, then roll the ejector sleeve until you get it how you like it (it'll breathe much different in the water anyways), but not more than half open. If it still seeps just a little, like someone said before, dive it. See what she does. These are bombproof regs, but are very finicky out of the water. Mine sometimes seep, just a little hiss, when they haven't been used for a while, but it goes away as soon as they're in the water.