Bull Sharks

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Bull sharks can survive for 5 years in fresh water. They are also called the "Zambesie Shark" due to there tendency to frequent the Zambesie River in Africa.

that's correct, in STP very often they go up rivers and stay there, specially after long rains, probably to get some food comming on the waters from the high regions.
i've learned some bad experiences from local fisherman that were attacked close to the sides of the rivers.
i found this shark beaviour very stange.
clear waters.
Alone, in groups, deep water, shallow water, clear water, no-vis water...

All of the above...


hello and thanks for the global answer! :profile: wich made me think that this tipe (Carcharhinus Leucas) of shark can be found anywere! wich is not quiet right.
About the deep water, do you have a max. depth that bull shark has/can been seened?
I need to clarify one of my reports/dive log from a dive and i'm not shure if what i saw was really a pair of bull sharks.
because of the depth i was in that dive = 193 feet;
cause the dive was not near shore (aprox: 15 miles away from the nearest beach);
dued to the visibility dow clear but the fact was that they could be at 100feet away;
and (porblably the less important) 08:46 am, they are tide/atm pressure ruled right, i mean these species only walk arround from a certain hour? correct?
hope to have some help arround this subject.
clear waters.
hello and thanks for the global answer! :profile: wich made me think that this tipe (Carcharhinus Leucas) of shark can be found anywere! wich is not quiet right.
About the deep water, do you have a max. depth that bull shark has/can been seened?
Spearfishermen in the Gulf of Mexico routinely see them in the 200' range.
Rick Murchison:
Spearfishermen in the Gulf of Mexico routinely see them in the 200' range.

200' range = 200' depth?
this sharks are coastal and a 200' depth near coast, probably only in a vulcanic coast.
can you confirm that that area in the mexican gulf is vulcanic?
clear waters
Rick Murchison:
Spearfishermen in the Gulf of Mexico routinely see them in the 200' range.

can you pls gi'me a tip "Spearfishermen" = ???
clear waters
"Spearfishermen" = divers who use spearguns to spear fish. Bull sharks like to try and eat the fish we spear, it can make for some exciting disputes over who gets lunch.
I think the bottom line is that these bulls are unpredictable. Yes they have been mostly seen around coasts, in rivers. But they are semi-nomadic opportunists that will bite at almost anything to see if its eadible. The fact that there are more sightings in the coastal and river areas is because there are more people in those sites. There are reports of sightings at depth as well. I would suspect that they can be found almost anywhere in teritories (in terms of depth and distance) but the big blue.
I think the bottom line is that these bulls are unpredictable. Yes they have been mostly seen around coasts, in rivers. But they are semi-nomadic opportunists that will bite at almost anything to see if its eadible. The fact that there are more sightings in the coastal and river areas is because there are more people in those sites. There are reports of sightings at depth as well. I would suspect that they can be found almost anywhere in teritories (in terms of depth and distance) but the big blue.
Bull sharks are regularly seen at Cocos Islands,Mapelo Islands,and the Socorro Islands-each Island group about 300 + miles from the mainland-they had to get there some how ;) and we really don't know how deep they were swimming on the way...Peace...Saildivers.

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