Buffett concert Saturday 08-28-04

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Such a shame. after 10+ years of the Thursday before Labor Day show to start BuffettFest weekend, alas... no Buffett in Massachusetts that weekend this year.

And I ain't doin' Fenway, it won't be the same.
Is there a line forming at the buffet?

Break out the Spooner and your long-neck koozie - you and me are gonna roadie to Chi-town, baby. Nothing like a land-locked drink water city swaying to Carribean tunes.

We are so there....

OMG I just found this thread. For 17 years I lived 10 minutes away from the Tweeter Center in Tinley Park.."Chicago".
I can't even tell you how many concerts I have seen there. Including Buffett. What was the question?
are there a LOT of buffetheads here?!?!

ok, he's alright. I don't like how some BaltiMORON buffethead guys are like, "Wow, let me be a coooool cat and undo the top four buttons on my hawaiian print shirt thus revealing my gross chest hair and sunless tan my feet so they go well with the wierd sailor, Miami-Vice-esque, shoes I am wearing!! And while I am at it, how about I drive over to Towson and sit in bahama breeze all day drinking Mojioes like a poseur!!" These people I speculate are not REAL buffetheads, but wannabes that just like the feeling of the wind (be it may the harsh colld nor'easter wind of the chesapeake) passing though their gross white see-thorugh linen pants.

I am sure you all are nothing like this... I have a beef with the poseur fans, not the man himself. except this-

the title of his new album, "Lisence to Chill". I don't like it beacuse i think it is a sleazy rip off of the sweetly names Beastie Boys Album, "Lisence to Ill" that was clever in that it took its name from James Bond's "Lisence to Kill". I don't like the way he used the idea like a leftover in Goodwill- thats just how i feel.

I gotta say- it makes me happy though when it's november and I am sitting in BWI during a three our delay!!!

so my point is, if you feel the urge to unbutton your top four buttons, stop, breathe, and remember that it is NOT cool. Not even Mr. Buffet himself does that- take your fingers away from your shirt. thats right- good JOB!!!

just having some fun!!
Well...it is raining today..if you are on the lawn be prepared for a mud slide, and i'm not talking the drink! I have not been to tweeter in a while, but have always had a good experience there. The pavilion is best, but i am old now and like a seat! lol There is a way to get in that will let you avoid some traffic, since i grew up here and pass the Tweeter frequently. PM me if you want my secret! lol
I don't know what a buffethead is - (only 1 t)???

But yes there are quite a few Parrotheads.

Well...it is raining today..if you are on the lawn be prepared for a mud slide, and i'm not talking the drink!

Well, we are back, had a great time but are still recovering.

Boy you ain't kidding about the mud part. I'm getting a little old for the "mosh pit" thing myself but it is where all the wild stuff is going on. Here's to hoping the mud was being made by water and not other, less desirable liquids! ;)

The heavier rain held off till the end of the concert so it wasn't really all that bad. We actually got the wettest leaving the concert. The water off the pavilion roof dumps right on the main exit we took. I'd love to meet the Architect who designed that cluster and give him/her a swirly of their own.

Really liked the Tweeter center as a concert venue. You got your typical, no heads in the parking area, hard time getting drinks or taking a leak inside the concert area, etc but other than those normal hassles, its a nice setup.

Our tailgate decor was minimal since we were not sure tailgating was even allowed and had a six hour drive. Others who lived closer and who knew better, were in full tilt boogie parrotheaded, margaritavillan, Buffett decor, tailgating mode. The Tweeter Center absolutely, positively, beyond a doubt, allows tailgating at a Buffett concert FYI.

Other than decor, we had the necessary victuals and libation to properly grease the skids for the concert. Buffett was great as usual. He played a good mix of old and new stuff or as the guy in front of me was sure i was aware of about twenty times, he played "old school & new school", lol...enough already dude.

Some high/low points ...........
I'm pretty sure we witnessed the conception of a new parrothead several people in front of us. Hope you don't get random drug tested in the next month of so due to the contact high that was likely achieved without trying. Try not to touch anything in the weeds in the tailgate area. Try not to touch anything in the concert area, emphasis on the beach balls being tossed around, it might not be water that made the mud on the ball. But the main point, Buffett most definately still rocks!

A great time was had by all! I'll try to post some pics later if my camera still works when i drain the cheeseburger, water and corona out of it.
I'd love to meet the Architect who designed that cluster and give him/her a swirly of their own.

Hi Jon:
Glad you had a good time. The World Music Theater was the name of the Tweeter Center when it was first built.
Like I said I have been going there for years. Jimmy Gierczyk was the owner of the contruction company that built it. You can send my friend Jimmy an email and give him your 2 cents. Let me know if you need his address. :D
Glad you had a good time. Figured that tailgating was ok at a Buffett concert.

I will never forget my first one. The couple next to me traveled the country going to Buffett concerts. I don't remember how many they had been to but they had the money and were early retirement so they traveled. The guy had a pass to go back with the band and crew they had gone to so many. I got him to take a shirt with him to get me a few autographs. Didn't get Buffetts but most of the band. I still have my Carnival concert series shirt in the closet. I think I have worn it 4 times.

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