Buddy breathing is obsolete, it is now considered safer by PADI to do a controlled raid ascent than to attempt to buddy breath.
Low on air with a near panicked diver, in possible low visibility and swirling current and a rapidly decreasing air supply is a lot of task loading.
Get an octopus and train in deployment. one of the PADI instructors i know advises that you give out your octopus from behind the person to avoid the panicked divers reactions/reflexes.
Also train on sopping from your reg to octopus.
The other day accidently I descended with the snorkel in my mouth and had to fish for an unfamilier regulator (Maximus under arm hose) on the bottom in 60feet of water as I was not familiar with my octopus holder and did not want to take the chance of slow deplyment
Low on air with a near panicked diver, in possible low visibility and swirling current and a rapidly decreasing air supply is a lot of task loading.
Get an octopus and train in deployment. one of the PADI instructors i know advises that you give out your octopus from behind the person to avoid the panicked divers reactions/reflexes.
Also train on sopping from your reg to octopus.
The other day accidently I descended with the snorkel in my mouth and had to fish for an unfamilier regulator (Maximus under arm hose) on the bottom in 60feet of water as I was not familiar with my octopus holder and did not want to take the chance of slow deplyment