As I follow along this thread and reflect back to my own BSAC/PADI training the most extraordinary experience (non-PRo Level training) I had was with BSAC. Not saying my training was neither good nor bad with PADI as it was both depending upon the course (primarily a reflection to the instructors); but the PADI training was definitely commercially organized....For my BSAC instructors diving was their passion and this came thru in their instruction.
I think there's a BIG difference between a commercial school (of any agency) and a club... especially in holiday/resort areas. This has to do with both the volume of student turn-over and the relationship between the instructor and student.
Whilst schools (any agency) offer convenience of tuition (speed/efficiency), along with a customer-supplier relationship (and all that comes with that), they rarely foster any genuine relationship between the instructor and the student. In contrast, a club (any agency) environment tends to strongly foster a longer-term, more mentor-based relationship.
With BSAC clubs, where the instructors volunteer (not paid) and the emphasis is upon long-term club development - then they have decidedly more motivation to provide a high quality of education. Quite simply, the student will be diving in the club afterwards and the instructor's results will make a difference to club safety and enjoyment. Also, the instructor's ability to teach will be more readily assessed by their peer group in a club environment - pride is at stake.
That said, the unpaid/volunteer instructor (any agency) has less motivation from a financial perspective. A full-time instructor might be very quality driven as their reputation and success in teaching reflects their income - this is especially true with independents/free-lancers. Of course, it varies with the individual instructor. Sometimes when you pay peanuts you get monkeys. Sometimes you pay diamonds, but still get a disinterested 'sausage-factory' minded 'professional'.
In commercial schools, it is much harder to form a significant student-instructor relationship.... especially when the instructor runs back-to-back courses and/or if the instructor is aware the student is on vacation for a finite period and unlikely to return. Whilst good instructors can 'turn on the charm' with excellent rapport etc, they aren't necessarily motivated to invest themselves to the same extent for the student's long-term benefit.
Commercial schools also need to run for a profit. Profit means expenditure versus income. Instructor time (and boat time, cylinder fills etc) all has a dollar value. It can't be given freely - which creates a pressure for time-efficiency in training. Clubs don't have those pressures - although resources may still have finite availability in a given time-period... that time period can be extended if quality is not to be compromised.