BSAC training

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As I follow along this thread and reflect back to my own BSAC/PADI training the most extraordinary experience (non-PRo Level training) I had was with BSAC. Not saying my training was neither good nor bad with PADI as it was both depending upon the course (primarily a reflection to the instructors); but the PADI training was definitely commercially organized....For my BSAC instructors diving was their passion and this came thru in their instruction.

I think there's a BIG difference between a commercial school (of any agency) and a club... especially in holiday/resort areas. This has to do with both the volume of student turn-over and the relationship between the instructor and student.

Whilst schools (any agency) offer convenience of tuition (speed/efficiency), along with a customer-supplier relationship (and all that comes with that), they rarely foster any genuine relationship between the instructor and the student. In contrast, a club (any agency) environment tends to strongly foster a longer-term, more mentor-based relationship.

With BSAC clubs, where the instructors volunteer (not paid) and the emphasis is upon long-term club development - then they have decidedly more motivation to provide a high quality of education. Quite simply, the student will be diving in the club afterwards and the instructor's results will make a difference to club safety and enjoyment. Also, the instructor's ability to teach will be more readily assessed by their peer group in a club environment - pride is at stake.

That said, the unpaid/volunteer instructor (any agency) has less motivation from a financial perspective. A full-time instructor might be very quality driven as their reputation and success in teaching reflects their income - this is especially true with independents/free-lancers. Of course, it varies with the individual instructor. Sometimes when you pay peanuts you get monkeys. Sometimes you pay diamonds, but still get a disinterested 'sausage-factory' minded 'professional'.

In commercial schools, it is much harder to form a significant student-instructor relationship.... especially when the instructor runs back-to-back courses and/or if the instructor is aware the student is on vacation for a finite period and unlikely to return. Whilst good instructors can 'turn on the charm' with excellent rapport etc, they aren't necessarily motivated to invest themselves to the same extent for the student's long-term benefit.

Commercial schools also need to run for a profit. Profit means expenditure versus income. Instructor time (and boat time, cylinder fills etc) all has a dollar value. It can't be given freely - which creates a pressure for time-efficiency in training. Clubs don't have those pressures - although resources may still have finite availability in a given time-period... that time period can be extended if quality is not to be compromised.
...the unpaid/volunteer instructor (any agency) has less motivation from a financial perspective.

Absolutely, when acting in a gratis voluntary position, finances cannot be a motivation.

Commercial schools also need to run for a profit. Profit means expenditure versus income. Instructor time (and boat time, cylinder fills etc) all has a dollar value. It can't be given freely - which creates a pressure for time-efficiency in training. Clubs don't have those pressures - although resources may still have finite availability in a given time-period... that time period can be extended if quality is not to be compromised.

Again I agree. A LDS can usually only increase the quality of its training by either spending more time with the Student (resulting in a loss of profit) or increasing course fees accordingly (thus reducing its competitive position within the industry). When course Standards were time based, PADI had the lowest number of training hours required for certification (half as much as NAUI and CMAS). I'm not throwing stones here at PADI, simply stating a fact. This allowed PADI to have a tremendous competitive advantage over courses from other Agencies and become a World player in diving certification. An excellent business move, but one that many people concerned about diver education questioned. In any event, the race to lower and lower Standards was started...

Since then, the training philosophy has changed. The amount of time required to conduct a training program has been removed and training is now "performance based." I see this as another way in-which standards have been lowered, in-that it allows an LDS (at times non-Instructors) to affect the quality of diver training (number of pool hours booked, for example). Instructors become Employees, who naturally want to satisfy their Employer. This is not to say that all Instructors are affected by this, nor does it indicate that you can't get good training from a LDS. It does however underline that training programs can be influenced to the detriment of the Student in a commercial setting.

Over the years every certification Agency of which I'm aware of (with the exception of L.A. County) has lowered its training Standards. I don't believe the reason for this was to improve diver education, rather to remain competitive. NAUI (for example) recently dropped their Standards again. The reason cited by NAUI to its members: "to be more competitive with PADI." To me this is a disappointing trend that has continued for too long...

In any such conversation, someone always quotes that statistically the fatality rate of Divers hasn't risen. Another argument often presented is that training time can be logically reduced because of the advances in technology. Both arguments have merit. Having observed many newly certified divers, I cannot help but question today's training philosophy of many certification Agencies.

A typical diver certified in the 1980's (or before) was: a good swimmer, could rescue his Buddy (above or below the surface), plan/project his gas consumption and could dive otherwise "unsupervised" by a DM or Instructor. I'm sad to say that today, this is no longer the case and by some Agencies Standards a person can even be a non-swimmer and become certified... I suppose I can't really blame the industry for adapting to what people want. Our Society is a no wait, have it cheap, have it now group of people.

I've seen a similar thing in the "evolution of martial arts." It took me seven years to earn a black belt. Today some Dojos will guarantee a BB in just two years (something that could never be guaranteed at all). People have a need for instant gratification.

Someone / some organization will deliver anything for a price, but like send away for a "Doctorate Degree," how much value does it really have? Is a Diver's C-Card moving in this direction? My apologies for rambling... :)
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Well said gentlemen...well said. :)

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