Broken Bow trip report

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Reaction score
N.E. Texas
# of dives
100 - 199
The trip to Broken Bow Lake turned out to be a nice outing for a weekend. Although there were some thunderstorms in the region, the area that we were at was clear and warm. Read that about 100* during the day. The wife and I rented a cabin for Friday and Saturday nights to avoid the looong one hour drive back home after a full day of fun and sun.

Timeliner arrived about 9:30 on Saturday morning and brought his Sea Doo. We proceeded to Steven’s Gap area to launch the watercraft. After the launch (I backed down the ramp real quick and hit the brakes, oops) Timeliner took the craft around to the Eagle Drive area of the S.G. part of the lake while I drove the truck and trailer to the same spot. The Sea Doo seemed to be working just fine after the launch.

After gearing up and putting together a dive plan we decided to swim to the little island that is a short distance from the end of the Eagle Drive portion of S.G. The weather was nice, no wind and the water was flat and clear. The plan was to take a compass heading to the island then swim counterclockwise around the little island. We submerged into about 10 ft. vis. and proceeded on. The vis. would run from 10-15 ft. down to 5-6 ft. at spots during both of the dives.

As we were swimming to the island the bottom disappeared, giving us no visual reference point. According to my depth gauge the thermocline that day was at about 22 ft. and we stayed at about that depth. 30 ft. was the deepest that I registered on both dives. Since I don't have a computer I don't know exactly what the water temp. was at the thermo.

It started to seem like it was taking an extraordinary length of time to reach the little island; it is only a short distance from the entry point. It also seemed like the ambient light from above was doing funny things. I finally swam up alongside Timeliner and found out what the problem was. He was using the second hand on his watch as a compass and we were swimming in circles.

Just kidding, the card on his compass was sticking. We surfaced and checked out the compass to make sure that it was being held level and it still stuck at times. So we just took a dead reckoning heading and made it out to the island.

The little island was interesting as on the east side there are some large tree roots that look like the eroded space under them could hold some nice catfish, although we didn’t see any this time. We did see a few nice sized bass and some "calf slobbers" (fresh water jelly fish). Then we did a short swim to a little cove on the north side of Eagle Drive and played around for a bit before heading back to the entry point on the south side of the road. We had about an hour and ten minute dive out of that one.

After an S.I. and lunch we decided to explore a “cliff” area across the lake just to the southeast of where we were entrenched. Timeliner ferried myself and our equipment except for the tanks across the lake, then went back and picked up the tanks. Timeliner was right, we need a bigger boat.

The site looked interesting; there is a large spot where there is just a sheer cliff that drops off into the water. We geared up in a little cove just west of the cliff and made a rather muddy, silty entry into the water. After we were able to get into deeper water the silt was not a problem.

I was also trying out a new camera and housing on this dive. I’m going to have to get used to it, some of the pics. did not take. Couldn’t be operator error.

We descended into vis. about 10-15 ft. and made our way easterly along the wall. It was and interesting dive, Timeliner said that the wall went to about 140 ft. at that spot (or was that the other cliff area that we checked out on snorkel), but I haven’t looked at a map and the water level at the lake was down about 20 ft. or so.

As is usual in a lake the vis. went up and down, the worst was about 5-6 ft. at spots but you would swim out of it. We came across a submerged tree a few minutes into the dive, nothing to worry about as you could see it and there was plenty of room to swim around it or even through it in spots. The wall contained several medium sized rocks that had many little fish in its hidey holes. One of my attached pics. did have some fish in it when I hit the button…really it did.

As we traversed the wall we came across three or four other submerged trees, again nothing we did not see before we reached them. There were several (read that many) good sized bass around these structures. Hmm, attach a float; come back with a boat and fishing rod….

When we reached the cliff face area the rocky terrain turned into the smooth cliff face that descended to the depths below. It is a nice drop-off area kind of like the “chimney” area at CSSP that is along the wall directly across from the usual Swamper’s place, except much larger and deeper.

I stayed mostly around the thermocline area.

After the smooth wall we ran into more of a rocky area again, and then we turned back toward our entry point. We made it back after right at an hour on the dive. It was a really great wall dive that I would like to do again. I did find a 5 lb. soft weight on the way down the wall that I put on a ledge, but didn’t find it on the way back. Oh well, that will give me an excuse to do that dive again!

All in all it was a great day and I plan on going back again before the dive season winds down.
Hey Mike super report,,,,sounds like you and Frank had a great time.......wish I could have made the trip as planned but I was able to accpl. the things we spoke of concerning my dad....dive trip NEXT time---I want to check out that wall!!!
Yeah, great report. You guys sound like dive machines with all the "swimming to the island" and stuff. Hope we can dive together sometime.

Oh, what precautions do you take when diving a lake that is shared with boats/jetskis?
Yeah, great report. You guys sound like dive machines with all the "swimming to the island" and stuff. Hope we can dive together sometime.

Oh, what precautions do you take when diving a lake that is shared with boats/jetskis?

When I dive with jet skis all around me I always allow Sealskin98 to be the first one to surface if he wants. :D

Actually... Just listen and don't come up when the noise level is really high and don't come up near the dive flag. I know that sounds strange but people usually don't know what the dive flag is and are attracted to it. I like to think of it as a decoy. :crafty:

One method is stay to a long way away from it if you can till you can actually see whats up on top.
The other method is to find the weight for the dive flag on the bottom and tow it to the base of the rocky cliffs where you entered the water.

Sometimes you need to do both.

Some States/places have rules against "towing a dive flag" so let go of it before you surface and nobody will be the wizer. :wink:

Final note... Jet skis are fast and noisy but low draft and skim over the surface.

Sail boats are slow , quiet and have deep running keels :11:

I'm more afraid of those things!!! ( 'wish I had one though !!)
Oh, what precautions do you take when diving a lake that is shared with boats/jetskis?

Drive a watertight Bradley tank across the bottom. :D

Just kidding...take a dive flag (it's the law) and be aware of your surroundings when you surface...listen for boat motors, look for boats, consult a ouija board before the dive for possible boat traffic patterns….

While we were close to the island and away from the bank at the end of Eagle Drive we had surfaced by the dive flag. A jet ski came by from the open part of the lake and saw us. He slowed down as he went through the area between the island and the bank but violated the distance rule of keeping 150 feet away from the dive flag. He could have easily went around the other side of the very small island.

Oklahoma dive flag regs. for boaters

We weren't in any danger as he saw us and drove around us slowly...except that there could have been another diver down that was surfacing. A lot of ppl. that drive boats and jet skis either don't know or just don't care about the dive flag rule. Some of them seem to use the dive flag as targets.

A couple of weeks ago Frank and I were talking to some divers at the "Dip" area of Steven's Gap that said they had a few boats come up close to their dive flag a few times and one of the divers talked to a Park Ranger. When they saw the Ranger show up the boats mysteriously disappeared to another part of the lake.

The majority of ppl. operating watercraft on lakes know what to do, are responsible, and will stay away from the dive flag.

Even though you have a dive flag don't trust everyone to honor it. Be aware of what's going on when you surface and you shouldn't have any problems.

I'm looking at going to CSSP this next weekend, maybe I'll see y'all there!
Gee Frank, you replied while I was composing...:D

And don't forget about the other "silent but deadly" one...wind surfers.

Hmm...and I always thought that you let me go up first because you were concerned that I was low on air.

Next time I'm hooking a buddy line to us, a short one...If I go you go. :11:

:D :D :D
Gee Frank, you replied while I was composing...:D

And don't forget about the other "silent but deadly" one...wind surfers.

Hmm...and I always thought that you let me go up first because you were concerned that I was low on air.

Next time I'm hooking a buddy line to us, a short one...If I go you go. :11:

:D :D :D

Just stay close to me and you can get tangled up in the line on the dive flag right along with me :D That way you don't have to bring along any extra gear.
Yea yea yea I know I'm just too helpfull but thats just how I am :cheers:

Oh yea ... When you surface at the lake, point your spear gun at anything that moves including boats and jet skis. They usually stay pretty far away then :m16: :bigun2:
Then of course there is the Whack Buddy :whack:

Oh ... here are some photos of the spot where we made a cliff dive. I took these when I scouted the site awhile back.
Those are the pics. of the area that I wish that I had taken last Saturday but didn't.

That wall is neat.

I really need to buy a reel for the dive flag line.

Great pics. of the area, and I wanna go back and find the weight I placed on the ledge.
Those are the pics. of the area that I wish that I had taken last Saturday but didn't.

That wall is neat.

I really need to buy a reel for the dive flag line.

Great pics. of the area, and I wanna go back and find the weight I placed on the ledge.

I'll go dive 5 lbs. light next time and try to find it. :wink:

Lets see... things to bring next time... Hmmmm ....a big bag for the fish, Fish Fryer and oil, Flour & seasoning, Man I'm getting hungry right now !!

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