I've looked for it twice for long periods of time with high quality fish finders and never found it. I'm hoping to be able to find it next year with my new side scan.
I've heard people have dove it, talked to some that say they have but nobody can give me numbers that are correct. West Michigan dive center has numbers on their website and Kohl has some in one of his books, neither turned up anything for me.
Early next year I will compile a list of all my good numbers. I get a little tired of the "secrecy" about dive sites so I'm going to do my part to get some public numbers out there. If you're up that way, the State of Michigan is a pretty good dive and the numbers are on along with the fact it's usually bouyed. PM if you'd like and I can get you the numbers I have for wrecks up this way. We run out of Muskegon but pretty much cover from Saugatuck to Pentwater or so. If you're willing to go a little further north to Pentwater, there's some good diving up that way too.
I'd also love some numbers from what you guys down there around Benton Harbor/St. Joe.