1. Be careful about using the Monterey Bay forecast, as the MBDC site suggests. It's
always flat SOMEWHERE in Monterey Bay, usually around the mouth of Santa Cruz
Harbor (do you dive there? ;-). If you use the offshore forecast (Pigeon Pt. to Pt.
Piedras Blancas and out 20 nm, at
http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mtr/getcwfzone.php?sid=MTR&zone=PZ555), you see
what Neptune is forecast to throw at us, and by learning what windage to apply for
the various sites, you get a pretty good idea, of what it will be like and where to go.
2. Your friend surfing at Capitola yesterday was much farther from your dive in
Monterey this weekend time-wise than distance-wise. On the scale of swell
conditions, Capitola is pretty close to Monterey distance-wise, but three or four
days is like a couple of thousand miles. Don't even assume that tomorrow will be
like today. Last Saturday was perfectly flat, Sunday was too rough to get to
Carmel, and surgy even at 100' in Monterey Bay.
3. I've found the experimental forecasts to be pretty good. I think a lawyer made
CDIP call them experimental. Nothing is really good more than a day or two out,
so you always have to keep you options open.
I think Saturday will be not too bad for your class, and on Sunday they can practice
the Monastery crawl at the Breakwater.