Breakwater brief report: Labor Day 9/3

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Reaction score
santa clara, california
# of dives
200 - 499
Arrived at Breakwater today at 11:30am. Sunny blue sky, stiff breeze from the NW, small knee high breaking waves on the beach.While suiting up saw some disturbance maybe 1/4 mile off the beach. Binoculars confirmed that a large pod of porpoises where trashing at the surface and accompnied by gulls overhead diving in for whatever they were all feasting on. They moved North and I took this as a good omen for the dive.Had a very nice dive out over the sand to 45fsw with 15-20 ft vis, then turning to the wall and follwing it out a bit further before turning the dive and followoing the wall back. IT was remarkably clear close to shore in the 5-20fsw range with vis of about 30ft there. I enjoyed the sand even more than the wall this time, lot's of nudi's out and about.After a long SI over lunch went back for round 2 and headed for the metridiums. When descending the nettles were very thick and I expereinced my first ever sting on the face. Feels exactly like the stinging nettle plant and didn't leave any marks but they were so thick my buddy called it and we went over to the wall again. It was late afternoon at this time and I was surpised to come across many octopus out in the sand and also in the rocks of the wall. Lings were out as well and I found one that apperantly just ate an octo as I could see some tenticle reaching out of the gill flap in desparate attempt to get free. I watched a while hoping to see the escape artist make its' way ot of a ling but looks like it was a gonner.2 very enjoyable dives and a great day. Pizza at Gianni's afterward was the cream on top :)
I nearly experienced my first nettle sting to the face on Saturday out there, they were quite thick then as well. I turned and saw the tentacles reaching out a few inches from my face. Fortunately for me they weren't so thick that I couldn't avoid them.
I nearly experienced my first nettle sting to the face on Saturday out there, they were quite thick then as well. I turned and saw the tentacles reaching out a few inches from my face. Fortunately for me they weren't so thick that I couldn't avoid them.

In my case I don't think I had direct contact with the jelly but rather got some stinging cels on my gloves and then rubbed my face with the glove later. Also felt some sting around my ankles as I removed my wetsuit after the dive
FWIW fresh water is supposed to fire off the nettles so they can't sting you. In other words if at the BW hit the shower for a rinse once out of the water.

I once saw someone at Van Damme that had shot a Cabezon. It had a small abalone in its mouth that he shoved back in as DFG walked up LOL

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