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Reaction score
Cayos Cochinos, Bay Islands, Honduras
# of dives
500 - 999
I don't know if this has been done before. I'm assuming it has, or somebody has tried it.

A few DM's and myself were sitting around one night fantasizing about how we could somehow ascend and surface so fast, the entire body (or nearly entire body) would breach out of the water.

We decided to avoid lung over-expansion, this would have to be done from a freediving start. We think it would be safe to freedive down to about 30 feet, get hooked up to whatever apparatus we have waiting at depth with one or two divers, strap-in/hook-up, then make way to the surface, hopefully with enough speed to breach. We think this is pretty safe...

Yesterday we tried having the two divers overweighted on the bottom holding a fully inflated BCD. Freediver comes to 30ft, grabs and holds BCD, goes to surface and :no:

So we would certainly need more velocity upwards. We're thinking something with lift bags, or use a tank as a sort-of jetpack.

Any ideas? Are there any injuries we are not taking into consideration (excluding those involving getting hit by something we're using to go upwards).
There's bubble pumping, if you did enough repetitions:

Can Freediving Cause DCS?

Further studies by Dr. E. Lanphier indicated that the ratio of dive time to surface time and the rate of ascent were important factors in the development of decompression sickness from freediving.
A good freediver with a monofin can achieve this.

I hope this can be done- and I hope there's a video camera present when it happens.

As long as you have air in your lungs from the surface only, you will not have an over expansion problem. If you do this continuously for an hour, you could absorb enough nitrogen to get DCS. It has happened!

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