BP Fit

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Reaction score
San Carlos, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
Well, this was much harder than I anticipated.

Does it look like I have this adjusted fairly well? Is the backplate in the correct position on my back?

Hmmm, I'm much fatter than I thought. I'll be at the gym tonight ....



You won't really know until you get in the water and try it out, then make adjustments until it feels right. It'll be difficult to get in and out of it, somewhat uncomfortable until you get in the water, but a properly fitted bp/wings will disappear underwater.

Congrats on your purchase. I'm signed up for the Dec. DIR-F class too, let me know if you want to practice before the class sometime.

Well, this was much harder than I anticipated.

Does it look like I have this adjusted fairly well? Is the backplate in the correct position on my back?

Hmmm, I'm much fatter than I thought. I'll be at the gym tonight ....


I'm having a hard time seeing any details in your photos - the black harness material has little contrast with your black exposure suit. The shot of the plate on your back makes me think that perhaps you have it a little low, but my confidence in that assessment is low. I can't make out where the d-rings are, nor can I tell how much slack you have in the shoulder straps.

Don't worry too much about fitting the harness perfectly if you are going to be taking a DIR-F class soon. Harness fitting techniques will be covered in detail in a lecture, and the instructor will go over your personal harness to get it right before the first dives.
Thanks. It did seem that the backplate is a little low. I have a couple of fingers slack in the shoulder straps.

I just wanted to make sure that I was in a good "starting place" since I've never actually seen one of these in person on somebody.

Thanks. It did seem that the backplate is a little low. I have a couple of fingers slack in the shoulder straps.

I just wanted to make sure that I was in a good "starting place" since I've never actually seen one of these in person on somebody.

One thing to try - reach over your shoulder and try to touch the backplate with your fingertips. Don't try to shrug the plate higher on your back, just reach back behind your head. You should be able to reach it. If you can't, it's too low on your back.

This is not all that great a method, because if you have long arms and are reasonably flexible, you'll be able to reach a plate that's still too low. But if you can reach the plate, you'll probably be able to reach your valves, and that's the important thing you're after. You will still need to fine-tune the harness to make sure it fits you and that the rings are in the right places.

I'm getting ready to make the plunge too, i.e. buy BP/W and sign up for DIR-F. I just read a post on ba_diving groups that said the new SS inflators that replaced the recalled SS inflators have the same problem, (sticky inflator valve that slowly keeps adding air to wing).

Have you noticed anything like that in the one you just bought?

What model did you get, eclipse, pioneer or explorer and what # lift cap did you get?

Who influenced you on which one to buy, a DIR-F instructor or the dive shop?

I'm leaning towards the eclipse to start out with until I learn to dive with doubles.

I haven't been in the water with it yet. I doubt I would notice the slow creep that thay are talking about on the ba_diving list at this point with my experience level ...

I got the Eclipse 40#.

The instructor basically just said it would be hard to go wrong with Halcyon. I picked the Eclipse based on some of the posts here and that it seemed to be more rugged.

If there is a problem, you will notice it. You will notice that you need to keep dumping to maintain buoyancy, which is weird.

However, your new inflator will probably be OK. My replacement stainless steel inflator is working fine.
I've got about a dozen dives on a new Eclipse. No problems with the inflator at all.

I kept making minor adjustments to the harness for about 5 dives ... now it fits like a glove :)

I would like to be able to slide the tank a little lower, but the top cam-band is right at the break already ... may have to look into a modified STA.

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