Boy stung by stingray near Key Biscane

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Boca Raton, Florida
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Local news (TV) is reporting a young boy was stung by a stingray near Key Biscane, FL.

The boy is alive, and shown on a stretcher being taken to the hospital.

That's all they're reporting at the moment.
Rays be getting into the news a lot these days, hope the kid id OK
I wonder if this is something like the "summer of shark attacks" a few years ago. The number of attacks was really about the same as any other year, but after one got a lot of attention, each subsequent shark attack was highly publicized and to the casual observer it looked like there was a sudden huge increase in shark attacks.

I'll bet that just like the Ft Lauderdale ray incident a couple weeks ago (the one where it jumped out of the intracostal waterway into a boat), if this one had taken place before Steve Irwin's death, that we wouldn't be seeing anything about it on TV or in the newpapers.
The one a few weeks ago, it didn't quite "jump" out of the water. I heard that he hooked it and landed it like a fish, and tried to throw it back, when it stung him.

The only info I've seen is on Channel 6 out of Miami.
Stingray spinings aren't terribly rare, they're just not typically interesting enough to make news reports. Until recently, that is.
I wonder if this is something like the "summer of shark attacks" a few years ago. The number of attacks was really about the same as any other year, but after one got a lot of attention, each subsequent shark attack was highly publicized and to the casual observer it looked like there was a sudden huge increase in shark attacks.

I'll bet that just like the Ft Lauderdale ray incident a couple weeks ago (the one where it jumped out of the intracostal waterway into a boat), if this one had taken place before Steve Irwin's death, that we wouldn't be seeing anything about it on TV or in the newpapers.

I don't know Charlie....I'm stayin' out of the water until these beasts calm down...I think they're after us...:D
The Fort Myers Beach Fire Dept. Medics during the summer months respond to stingray injuries everyday. It is not uncommon for them to get two calls at once for subjects stung by rays. This is normal activity for the rays as people walk on top of them in shallow water. Have you ever heard of the Sting Ray shuffle? BTW....usually the victims are never transported to the hospital as it is not required.

Have you ever heard of the Sting Ray shuffle?

Yup.... sounds like more people need to learn it and/or use it. Especially since every person barbed in the next 5 years will make the evening world news. :shakehead

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