@diversteve: Yeah, I found those rules on the website, too. Still, I'd be surprised if STINAPA took a hard line stance and prohibited divers from using gloves during rocky shore entries. I've witnessed people fall and cut up their hands on the ironshore. It probably happens quite frequently. So long as the gloves are not being worn underwater while actively diving along the reef, I would think that the spirit of the rule is still being upheld. I think we can all agree that the no glove rule is in place to prevent divers from handling corals and other reef critters. I'm curious to hear what the official word is.
Which shore entries are "rocky" and which are not? There would have to be specific definitions as to what is "rocky" since one could argue that a sand beach was still "small rocks".
I too have seen divers fall entering and exiting. Usually this is due to not knowing or using the recommended technique. That is to enter and exit with your buddy, facing each other, arms interlocked, and side stepping, one at a time, into water deep enough to "float". Most are too hurried or unaware of this and that is usually when the falls/trips happen. Another thing I have done when solo diving (let's not go there) is to put my hands in my fins on rough exits (haven't had to do this on entries) just in case I stumble, I will protect my hands with my fins. Actually, it's not the rocks one really needs to protect against, but the Anemone hiding in those rocks. YMMV.