NCchuck - exactly! I said the 'diving was easy' not necessarily the entry/exit! I'd like to think my buddy and I have developed 'skills' over time. We are both fairly short - 5'6" - not too far to fall! In shape,good balance,strong legs-backs-arms. That all helps. Some things we find works for us - but your mileage may vary: Scope out entry before gearing up. Gear up suits in truck, put booties on then step out (trying to keep the sand out of everything). Assemble/don/test gear on back of truck and walk in holding fins, better clip them on a ring so your hands are free. Rough entries/exit - keep reg in mouth the entire way! Use the buddy system - side by side w/ forearms locked together can assist in balance. Time the water action and move with it don't fight, you will lose. One option is allow the weaker buddy to walk in gear-less and have the stronger buddy carry their gear out and assist w/ inwater donning. Course that means the stronger buddy does 2 entries and exits. Gear adjustments can be made once you are at a point of floating. Practice in water gear adjustments so when you need to do it, you can. We also do a final in water gear check before descending - just in case something got mushed in a fall. Lots of strategies, just take it slow, don't rush. Don't panic or thrash about if you fall, KEEP YOUR REG in. Don't set the gear down on the sand - it sticks and you don't want that in a reg or 'flator hose - carry immediately to the truck.
Even taking all the precautions in the world we still end up eating sand or washed against a rock or sliding or falling. It happens. The bruises, cuts and scars make great dinner conversation!