The cruise ships were a surprise to us when we showed up on Bonaire for four weeks in January, but they really weren't a problem. I think they were only there a couple of days a week, for whick Krilendik shut down the main steet downtown. I suppose that brings in some much-needed dollars and only inconveniences the rest of us slightly. I do hope every diver/snorkler is required to do a check out dive regardless of the number of badges they hold. The reef there (and everywhere) is too imporant to ignore methods of preservation, which is the purpose of the whole Stinpa check out dive thing. Bonaire is a treasure and needs to be treated as such.
I do hope the original poster will change his mind about shore-diving. It truly is the definition of "Diving Freedom". When I first started coming, I did only charter diving and, while it was fun and we saw really neat creatures, we had to do it at their pace and go where they wanted to go. Shore Diving is what Bonaire is all about. I would encourage you to go see Patrick at Island Car Rentals at the airport, then drive a few blocks to the Carib Inn for the fastest, least expensive airfills. Look for the yellow rocks and go on in. You can't get lost as long as you have a compass. It's exhilarating to be on a dive with just you and an Eagle Ray. He shows up at the Invisibiles nearly every day. Go against the cruise ship flow. Check it out!
I do hope the original poster will change his mind about shore-diving. It truly is the definition of "Diving Freedom". When I first started coming, I did only charter diving and, while it was fun and we saw really neat creatures, we had to do it at their pace and go where they wanted to go. Shore Diving is what Bonaire is all about. I would encourage you to go see Patrick at Island Car Rentals at the airport, then drive a few blocks to the Carib Inn for the fastest, least expensive airfills. Look for the yellow rocks and go on in. You can't get lost as long as you have a compass. It's exhilarating to be on a dive with just you and an Eagle Ray. He shows up at the Invisibiles nearly every day. Go against the cruise ship flow. Check it out!