The posts on Bonaire crime inevitably always come full circle back to the petty crime and someone had their sunglasses or flip flops taken from a vehicle parked at a dive site. While being a major pain in the a$$ to leave everything back at the rental villa this type of crime is little more than an inconvenience and in my mind something you deal with. While this would be very easily solved by the local authorities, and yes, this type of crime does occur most everywhere.
When I started this post two years ago it was to draw attention to the increase in home invasion burglaries with dive travelers and rental properties being targeted, and no I don't think these types of crimes happen everywhere on the scale and the size of an island that is Bonaire. Can you find other destinations in the Caribbean with similar issues, sure. It may be a little odd that there seems to be a common theme on this, and other forums, that you don't see regarding many other destinations however. I have always felt safe at dive sites or walking around most places on Bonaire and well after dark. I wouldn't say that about a number of dive destinations I've been to.
At the time of the initial post I had interest from folks associated with BONHATA and rental home owners and associations who were/are genuinely concerned about these crimes and it's potential affects on dive travel. One of the rental home owners had particular interest as she (her guests) had been burglarized three times. I provided them with information about our burglary, the lack of any action from the local police, as well as thoughts from discussions shared on this forum and others. I did not hear back from them. As I mentioned in the first post, I've been in law enforcement for almost 27 years. The things that concerned me most was no follow up investigation other than taking a police report, more for our potential insurance claims than any intention of solving the crime. No follow up on a suspect which I subsequently provided them. I was also surprised by the number of similar incidents, including ours and the two other that same night, which did not show up on the various Bonaire Crime reports that are made public or online.
You won't hear me saying that the sky is falling or don't travel to Bonaire, but I would hope that the officers death responding to a home burglary in the Sabadeco area in the summer of 2016 was a wake up call that these crimes need to be properly addressed. Whether it's Bonaire or elsewhere, if you rent a vacation villa make sure there are appropriate measures in place to help keep you and your property safe.