So, after all these posts, has anyone actually done anything about this?
And of course I do not mean opening up a private security company on the island.
I am going to send a link to this thread to various authorities in Bonaire, and see what their reaction is .... or not. Has this been tried before? I will do the intro in Dutch.
PS: Just back from 2 weeks in Bonaire. Not a single problem .... if you discount the ridiculous cost of dining outBut then again we did not stay in a vacation home, but in a walled apartment complex.
I spoke with the President of BONHATA a couple of times on the island. He had asked me to send him information as well as specific information to our incident, and I've done that. I've also sent information to an individual on the island who is active in the community, who is in the process of creating a website for information exchange regarding crime. This individual was also going to try to involve the various groups to have a more unified voice to try to get something done locally and also petition the respective gov officials. I searched the board and found 193 topic posts on crime on Bonaire. I've forwarded some of the comments specific to affecting dive travel choices and choosing to go elsewhere.
I felt safe on Bonaire prior to this incident and I felt safe on Bonaire after this incident. I didn't feel safe in the rental house after the burglary, but the reasons for that can be addressed and I'd stay in the home again.There are a few islands and countries I've been to I wouldn't say that about.